One cannot learn so well as by experiencing it oneself.

A model should be as simple as it can be but no simpler

Each act is an island in time, to be judged on its own.

Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler.

The world we have created is a product of our thinking.

Imagination is vastly more important than intelligence.

My primary process of perceiving is muscular and visual.

The main task of the spirit is to free man from his ego.

Mere unbelief in a personal God is no philosophy at all.

If you've never failed, you've never tried anything new.

You cannot prevent and prepare for war at the same time.

Why should i remember anything if i can just look it up?

I am satisfied with the mystery of the eternity of life.

A country cannot simultaneously prepare and prevent war.

If I were to remain silent, I'd be guilty of complicity.

Things you can get access to, you should never memorize.

My sense of god is my sense of wonder about the universe.

I know little about nature and hardly anything about men.

I believe in standardizing automobiles, not human beings.

artificial intellegance is no match for natural stupidity

Before God we are all equally wise - and equally foolish.

A person starts to live when he can live outside himself.

I shall never believe that God plays dice with the world.

If there is no price to be paid, it is also not of value.

If you want different results, do not do the same things.

Blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of truth.

The only thing more dangerous than ignorance is arrogance

It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education.

I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.

The strongest force in the universe is Compound Interest.

A bartender is just a pharmacist with a limited inventory.

Knowledge is dead; the school, however, serves the living.

Analytics will never tell you everything you want to know.

A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it.

X + Y + Z X is work. Y is play. Z is keep your mouth shut.

God reveals himself in the orderly harmony of what exists.

E=mc2. Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared

Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love.

The solution to this problem lies in the heart of mankind.

Those who have the privilege to know have the duty to act.

The most powerful force in the world is compound interest.

How can he possibly be humble? He hasn't done anything yet.

Life is like a bicycle; keep moving on to maintain balance.

Don't become a seeker of success. Become a person of value.

I would teach peace rather than war, love rather than hate.

Real sign of intelligence isn't knoweldge, it's imagination

You might as well not be alive if you're not in awe of God.

If you have never failed, you have never tried anything new.

Learning is experience. Everything else is just information.

Playfullness is the essential feature of productive thought.

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