We've always got to fight to the end and never give up no matter what the score is or how much time is left.

I want to be on the All-Defensive team, be rookie of the year, make the All-Star team, all that type of stuff.

I always wanted to be the No. 1 pick, but come draft night anything can happen - trades, or anything like that.

Some people look like they're working hard but they're not. Some people who are working hard don't look like it.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. My job is to come out here and hoop, and that's what I'm going to do.

At a certain point in one's career, you want to win, not just have a great season. You want to win a championship.

We have to have that mindset that whoever comes in our house can't win and it has to be the hardest place to play.

When I say that Kansas all rolls as one unit, they all roll as one unit. Like, everyone. They never leave anybody out.

I know people expect a lot from me and want to see certain things when I play, but it's not really any pressure for me.

Every coach is different, every coach has different playing styles, but no coach made me have a negative experience playing.

We all have to go into the game and play hard, no days off, no possessions off and when we get a little lead don't get comfortable.

You can't be a great player without playing both ends of the floor. And that's what I do - I really focus in, and my athletic ability helps me.

A lot of former players always say that college is a great basketball experience. The fans, going to school, being on campus... it's a great vibe.

The people you looked up to growing up, every great player has a signature shoe. That's why I wanted one. I want to walk around and see people wearing my shoe.

That's a thing you most look forward to as a kid. The newest clothes or the newest shoes. Definitely getting the newest shoes and bragging to your friends about it.

I always wanted to be in the NBA, but I never really thought about being the No. 1 pick until high school. So once it happened, it's like a dream come true and more.

It was kind of good to get my feet wet with my first NBA game. I felt comfortable out there, let the game come to me. I played within myself and I thought I did pretty good.

Real ballers who have been there and done that, I respect their opinion. But if you haven't been there and done that, you're entitled to your own opinion but I'm not really thinking too deep into it.

I'm pretty comfortable on set. I've done a bunch of these commercials now. You get used to it. The people work with you how you want to be worked with. It's all positive vibes. It's a fun atmosphere, I enjoy it.

There's a perception of me out there that my effort is not there, but that's just he said, she said. A person says something, everyone believes it. But they're not there in the early mornings or when I work out.

At the end of the day I'm a basketball player. I'm going to try and shoot more threes than mid-range or long twos or whatever. But if someone gives you a shot, you're a basketball player, you got to make reads and play.

For me, I have a bunch of friends back home in Canada who play online all the time - so we get mic'd up, join the same party, and just play. We are good enough to compete with 'Call of Duty' pros, so, the competition is what keeps bringing me back.

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