True friendship is an unconditional, unselfish, reciprocal service not by lips, but heart to never let its in-built trust to ever fall apart.

A bright smile has the strongest electrifying power to lift up the sagging morale and light up a depressed face effortlessly and immediately.

Some people advise you what to do and some people forbid what not to do, but the genuine people just ask you if they can do anything for you.

When a person says only what others love to hear, he is largely liked; but if he loves to say what he likes only, then others hardly hear him.

All people may not always know those who are not actually good, but they sooner or later get to know all those who are always relatively good.

First person to appreciate the good points of others is always special in life as he or she manifests his or her leadership through initiatives.

The difference between DREAM and DESIRE is that the dream is what we build for the team and the desire is what we aspire to build for ourselves.

A person’s words reflect the image of his character and the amount of truth and lies in it is always visible to the human heart than ordinary eyes.

Good hearts carry weighing balance that measures others' values based on the character merely than ever with their attire, wealth, rank or position.

There's always SOMEONE in support as long as he can be assured or he himself feels confident of getting, in return, SOMETHING beneficial of any sort.

A person who is inherently and intuitively curious is often intellectually and distinctly very serious towards his roles and responsibilities in life.

God Is Great. If these three words together enshrine in our mind, heart and soul, then there is never worry, anxiety nor a fear of failure in our life.

Selfishness is the biggest form of helplessness as it makes the person blind so much that he fails to search his true self for being always in the lurch.

Never treat somebody’s cleverness as his life’s smartness. Cleverness is to hide the weakness and the smartness is to project the strength of his weakness.

Philosophy is not to think deep, but simply speak life's basics that arise, aware and awaken people who are knowingly or unknowingly in the state of sleep.

To understand something properly, we need to know it a little more; but to know someone purely, we need to understand our inner feelings truly and for sure.

The quality of the thought that a person has got inside and sought from outside is likely to decide the quality of the people that has been brought into his life.

Foolishness is doing ignorantly something forbidden repeatedly by sages since ages, and Madness is doing the very same prohibited thing repeatedly but intentionally.

Readily people do not accept any ordinary to behave like an extraordinary unless and until some extraordinary but preferably wealthy approves him to be not ordinary.

Anything that starts as a practice often turns into the habit and so can be the case with a person's nature of forgiving himself on his mistakes a few number of times.

A man thinking with the core of his heart is always willing to change to accept his mistakes while others just crib and duck the mistakes to find fault with others only.

The moot question is not that how many persons are of good or not so good character, but who applauds the character truly as the real beauty factor in own and others' lives.

He who has got more than that is required to fulfill his basic need spends his resources, more often than not, on the people and the products that he does not actually need.

It is often too easy to explain a novel idea to a few enlightened persons with a few words. But to enlighten about the same to many people, too many words are often required

A person can always live life of his own only if he is prepared to stand alone when there is none to support the things that he applauds, believes and cherishes in his soul.

A person can perhaps trust his eyes only to the amount of truth his heart does not mind to speak openly to the people to touch their souls in this selfish world full of lies.

Pray silently with simplicity every day to stay cool and calm in mind, composed and collected in heart; courageous and connected to own soul, to lay the way for a peaceful life.

A gentleman is one who doesn't and can't forgive himself for self-committed mistake even if others forget it and the self-criticism is a mark of his right attitude towards life.

Creativity starts with a little touch of insanity and culminates with the highest trust on its beauty, but throughout it maintains the hands of originality,humanity and ALMIGHTY.

There is no respect between the souls of two individuals if their minds can’t trust each other and there is no trust between them if their hearts can’t accept the truth of each other.

A true leader always feels that it's truly wise to be considered a fool by those who are not actually nice, and actually not nice to be considered a wise by those who are truly fools.

The characters in the four-lettered word FACT consist of seventy-five percent ACT, so it is always sensible to see the character of a person solely by his ACT or deeds than his words.

A person’s own opinion is the best companion of his life, but first search it on web to ensure that it is truly his own and not others thrown or well known in one or other words form.

When a person finds life hard, he needs motivation and inspiration; but if he finds life’s journey easy, then he needs meditation and introspection to know the true quality of his life.

A negative and toxic person never feels teased with the genuine presence of the pretenders in his network and he always feels pleased with the absence of the genuine leader in his circle.

The difference between a poet and a philosopher is that the poet sees logically and describes basically the beauty whereas the philosopher defines the basics and shows the beauty of logics.

A person is only as fair to oneself as the people often hanging around him or her, here and there, truly care towards ones who are not personally or professionally related to them anywhere.

It’s always going to be easy to live like others or other’s life, because creating or innovating something of own is always difficult in comparison to buying or borrowing anything from others.

The quality of a person's character can be known partly by the attitude of his ally who likes him TRULY and, probably full, by understanding who he likes REALLY as his buddy with his behavior.

A person speaks more about his character through his shared images or uploaded profile picture than with his words or deeds, but only a leader who is always true to himself correctly reads them.

The group of stupid people collectively treats or makes an intelligent amongst them look like duffer and a fool living in a big network of enlightened minds even starts behaving sensibly in life.

Anyone who can say and do anything better than that already done or said anytime, anywhere and considered then the best, then it is good to state for him that he has a brilliant brain in his head.

A person who can look inside into his soul sees then with his vision one and all standing outside around in support to him that they are only as truthful and trustworthy to him as he to all others.

The only technology that helps to create a plethora of business and employment opportunity while promoting the green environment, is serving good for the society and, therefore, the sustainability.

If a person finds the negative people in his network, then he needs to mind or mend his own nature than others for his basic grounding decides only the level of acidic or toxic surrounding for him.

A person may use his fundamental right to communicate whatever he likes, but the people like his point as per their personal choice only and not necessarily that which is always fundamentally right.

A person who is in the elements of his own is often thrown to a situation to be shown all alone; and people who aren’t may be in a position seen by all, but they are often unknown to be utterly lone.

A man ranks lowest on the credibility index; if he refrains to appreciate the creative instinct of his acquaintances jealously, but likes the similar nature works of others especially famous persons.

Sometimes, something of someone is liked too much not because it holds too much value or has a true value, but because there are too many bidders and buyers to have the same thing at the resale value.

Empowerment is constantly challenging oneself with something difficult that tests his power of nerve, knack, skill, aptitude, attitude and wisdom to do things diligently, delightfully but differently.

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