I want to do a biopic as an actor. It's a thrill... I would love it if I am able to do a biopic.

I am a very basic person. I still believe marriage happens only once, and you have to sustain it.

The stereotypes attached to Bollywood were that it's a big, bad world or that it's a dirty world.

My parents never gave me a nickname. But for my friends, I am everything from 'Nushki' to 'Nusheshwar.'

When my friends in college had crushes, I used to think something is wrong with them. I just chill out.

I have nothing to hide. So when I spoke about my lip job, a lot of people called me brave for coming out.

It is very important for me that my clothes are comfortable and allow me to feel like myself and at ease.

I am not as confident as the characters I play. I am a bit aloof. I am uncomfortable in social situations.

The decisions that you make in your career stem out from the experiences you have early on in your career.

I'm a boys' girl! I come from an army background and I haven't known what being a 'good Indian girl' means.

I love the work that goes into making a movie and creating a different world. It is a wholesome experience.

Coffee is the ultimate stress buster for me and I need my cup of coffee in the morning to kick start my day.

Nothing gives me more pleasure than acting. But I don't enjoy going for award functions or giving interviews.

I feel things are changing now. Actresses are working at same pace even after getting married or having kids.

I haven't done many films. But with every movie, I try to showcase a different side of me through a character.

I always wanted to be a model, never an actress. I would see children in ads and stuff and wanted to be like them.

Acting is one of the two things that give me the most joy. The other thing is travelling. Nothing else matters to me.

In future also, we would like to back films that can be considered slightly risky since they don't have song and dance.

I have never been a girlie girl and have always been a boys' girl with an equal amount of friends who were boys and girls.

I share a very good rapport with Shah Rukh, so I was at ease working with him, and Imtiaz is a dream director for any actor.

I am someone who doesn't pay so much attention to how I am looking. I get so involved in what I am doing, so I overlook that.

We all know that a beautiful face is an important aspect of an actor's personality if he or she wants to make it big in Bollywood.

We shot many films in Delhi that turned out to be successful at the box office. So the attachment is definitely on the positive side.

I have never planned my career here in Bollywood, so planning to do Hollywood films is a distant thing. You have to see how things come.

As a producer, I want to back projects, talents, and scripts that speak to me not just as someone from the industry, but as an audience.

I shouldn't feel awkward or feel disconnected to myself or my body while wearing the clothes or a particular fashion. This is very important.

I am not a bloody ghoda running a race that you give me a tag. I am competitive, and the reason for that is that I want to do the best films.

I find it really cheap when people talk about an issue just for the sake of talking and are not making any difference to the actual situation.

I have done everything in my life very normally. And marriage is definitely there on my agendas in life. But I don't know when will it happen.

Being a soldier's daughter, I understand that what they are doing is the real deal. But me giving statement on the issue is of no significance.

I think compassion is important but love fizzles out eventually. But if there is compassion in a relationship, things can always be worked out.

As a viewer, I really want to watch author-backed stories, and there is something amazing about thrillers, the way it captivates your imagination.

I was never treated differently. I never felt like I was lesser or I was discriminated against. I've only experienced that after I became an actor.

For me, as an actor, it is brilliant that I can do both song-dance films and also something like 'NH10.' It is versatility which every actor aspires.

I'm paranoid about shopping. I get irritable. I find it tedious and taxing. People say shopping is retail therapy, but I need therapy after shopping.

When you are not part of an industry, your knowledge of that field is based on what you read and hear and on the stereotypes that are attached to it.

We have to look good... our hair does get damaged due to straightening... tonging. We have to do something that helps our hair look good and healthy.

While I was shooting for 'NH10,' my hair had to look dirty in the film. To improve the texture... quality of hair, I had to use a lot of conditioner.

People who speak different languages, they are watching the movie from our language. So, I think all of us should be proud as nation and as cinema lovers.

I've always kept a low profile. I'm not comfortable at social events or parties. I feel awkward. So if I'm not working, I prefer to remain in my own zone.

Style, to me, is an extension of one's personality, a kind of self expression which is very personal. It is an expression of your moods, your personality.

I do not consider myself a feminist. I do not believe that by doing female-oriented films that depict a woman fighting the system, we can change the system.

Life was so easy before I became an actor. I could talk to anyone, and no one bothered. I keep thinking to myself, 'Should I not be myself,' but I won't do that.

I don't like to talk about my personal life, so I will not talk about others. I don't give advice. I give advice to only my mother, father, and brother on health.

I don't think that a film should be known as 'male-centric' or 'female-centric,' but it should be known for the story. That would be really nice, and viable, too.

When someone goes to watch my film in the theatre, they won't remember the last four articles they read about me. Instead, they will think about the last film I did.

I feel that in spite of having a big launch with 'RNBDJ' and the film doing well for me in terms of getting appreciation, I don't think it made me the next big thing.

I understand that ups and downs in life keep wavering, and it's important to understand them and why they happen. So I learn whatever I have to and then move forward.

I tell myself that if I start to listen to these people and start to let them decide how I should behave and what I should do, then this is not my life - it's theirs.

I think 'NH10' could have been done equally well by anybody else, and it's not a 'female-centric' or 'male-centric' film. It's the story that will appeal to the audience.

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