The world is big enough for us. No ghosts need apply.

I suppose I shall have to compound a felony as usual.

A man with so large a brain must have something in it.

“How ever did you see that?” “Because I looked for it.”

Art in the blood is liable to take the strangest forms.

The best way of successfully acting a part is to be it.

horses: dangerous on both ends and crafty in the middle

Of all ghosts the ghosts of our old loves are the worst.

I am a brain, Watson. The rest of me is a mere appendix.

It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data.

It's quite exciting," said Sherlock Holmes, with a yawn.

There is but one step from the grotesque to the horrible.

Let us hear the suspicions. I will look after the proofs.

The love of books is among the choicest gifts of the gods.

Of all ruins, that of a noble mind is the most deplorable.

Evil indeed is the man who has not one woman to mourn him.

It seems to leave the darkness rather blacker than before.

I wanted to end the world but,I'll settle for ending yours.

The devil’s agents may be of flesh and blood, may they not?

It is fortunate for this community that I am not a criminal.

Healthy scepticism is the basis of all accurate observation.

The emotional qualities are antagonistic to clear reasoning.

There are no fools so troublesome as those who have some wit.

My mind rebels at stagnation, give me problems, give me work!

I cannot live without brainwork. What else is there to live for

There's a light in a woman's eyes that speaks louder than words.

Amberley excelled at chess - a mark, Watson, of a scheming mind.

All other men are specialists, but his specialism is omniscience.

Nothing clears up a case so much as stating it to another person.

If you want to write good copy, you must be where the things are.

Depend upon it, there is nothing so unnatural as the commonplace.

You know my method. It is founded upon the observation of trifles.

The most difficult crime to track is the one which is purposeless.

A trusty comrade is always of use; and a chronicler still more so.

You yourself may not be luminous, but you are a conductor of light.

I am the most incurably lazy devil that ever stood in shoe leather.

My business is that of every other good citizen - to uphold the law.

To a great mind, nothing is little,' remarked Holmes, sententiously.

…but it is better to learn wisdom late than never to learn it at all.

Our ideas must be as broad as Nature if they are to interpret Nature.

There is a soul-jealousy that can be as frantic as any body-jealousy.

When people bury treasure nowadays they do it in the Post-Office bank.

I trust that age doth not wither nor custom stale my infinite variety.

It is the small men and not the great who hold their noses in the air.

You cannot see the lettuce and the dressing without suspecting a salad.

Watson. Come at once if convenient. If inconvenient, come all the same.

Women are naturally secretive, and they like to do their own secreting.

I fear that if the matter is beyond humanity, it is certainly beyond me.

If you had killed Watson, you would not have got out of this room alive.

I am not the law, but I represent justice so far as my feeble powers go.

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