When things go wrong or dont turn out the way you pictured them in your head, you just have to go with the best intentions defense. I have a lot of good intentions.

When things go wrong or don't turn out the way you pictured them in your head, you just have to go with the best intentions defense. I have a lot of good intentions.

Anybody that has followed closely what I've been doing can see from 'Home,' being as big a hit as it was, it kind of opened the door for me to try new things musically.

I've burned the trash a few times and it got away from me. I've caught the yard on fire. I've burnt up some acreage and had to call the fire department a couple of times.

I got a job working at a publishing company, Balmur Music, which was a company that Anne Murray was a co-owner in, as a tape copy guy. Eventually, I got fired from that job.

I was just 17 years old and had to get some new friends to actually sign up for me to get electricity and utilities because I wasn't even old enough to have things like that.

I'm not the kind of person who thrives in "the scene." I know that when this is all over, and I'm no longer cool, I'm going to be just as happy because I'm going to be at home.

I lost my brother in a car wreck when I was 14 years old. When I decided I wanted to be a country singer, my dad always told me, 'Son, you should write a song about your brother.'

Standing center stage in the six foot circle of wood cut from the stage of the Ryman is something I never take for granted. The history and legacy of that circle is awe-inspiring.

When you start dating another country star, the first question is, 'When are y'all gonna do a duet?' And what sucks about that is people expect you to do it whether you want to or not.

Where I live in Oklahoma, it's all ranchers. My friends are all cowboys and pretty rough guys. If I had a hot tub back there, I may as well have Richard Simmons come over and live with me.

Some beach, somewhere. There's a big umbrella casting shade over an empty chair. Palm trees are growin' and a warm breeze a blowing. I picture myself right there, on some beach, somewhere.

Don't waste your time lookin' over your shoulder; those loves from the past ain't getting' no closer. When I look in my future, you're all I can see, so honey, don't go lovin' on nobody but me.

I'm not a summertime guy. The only time I really enjoy the summer is touring and performing because there is nothing else for me to do at home. It's too hot, and you can't farm. You can't hunt.

I don't know anybody as creative and unique and off the wall as Dia Frampton. She's always asking me, 'Am I too weird?' I just tell her, 'People don't think you're weird, they think you're cool.'

Taylor deserves it. I don't think there is anyone with half a brain that would say otherwise. She has done a lot for us in country music. We are lucky enough in country music to call her one of us.

I get on Twitter, one of my routines during the day, if I'm home is, I wake up, get a cup of coffee, turn on the Weather Channel and I'll look at what people are saying to me on Twitter on my phone.

I love to deer hunt and fish and drive down the back roads in my truck. All those things basically equal freedom to me - and not having to return that message or call from my record company or management.

I can't tell you what genre Maroon 5 is in. I don't know if they're rock or pop or alternative. I don't know what they are. I have a hard time separating that stuff. I just know what I like when I hear it.

I think just knowing you're married and having that in the back of your mind all the time - it sounds official, but it doesn't really feel any different. We don't do anything differently than we did before.

My favorite television show has changed throughout the years. I used to think 'Married... With Children' was really funny. But now that I've gotten older, it's 'The Golden Girls,' believe it or not. That shows kills me.

The thing that got me started on Twitter was just basically pressure from management and the record company saying, 'Hey, this is what all the other artists are doing. You need to be doing it also.' I didn't really have a clue what is was.

I love to deer hunt and fish and drive down the back roads in my truck. All those things basically equal freedom to me - and not having to return that message or call from my record company or management. At some point, I need to recharge.

Ironically, being a coach on 'The Voice' and spending time with those kids, Xenia and Dia especially, I learned a lot about myself. It reminded me how lucky I am that this happened for me, and it kind of lit the spark inside me again for my love of music.

Somebody will come on TV singing, and you're like, 'Oh my God! I mean, they suck! You know, who signed them?' Well, it's just because she's good lookin', or it's because he's takin' his shirt off and he's muscley or something, or else he wouldn't have gotten his chance.

I love getting the pontoon boat out, and I don't get to do it as much anymore. If I know in two weeks or a month from now I've got three days off, I can start planning for that stuff, getting out there with friends and family and relaxing, just floating around and hanging out.

When you’re married to Miranda Lambert, you've gotta give her her room because she’s a powerful force. I think it’s more about just listening and understanding who she is and what her insecurities may be and how to approach our marriage as an open minded listener and a shoulder to lean on.

Michael Buble is seriously my favorite entertainer. Have you ever seen the guy in concert? He's hilarious. Women love him. Guys want to meet him. He has everything that I wish I could do onstage. And I'm guessin' he's a good-lookin' guy - although he's not one of 'People' magazine's sexiest men.

We were playing a fair, and a few people were handing me stuffed animals and flowers, but one person handed me a paper sack. So I took all the stuff back to the bus. I put the sack in my lap and opened it, and a live iguana jumped out of the sack and onto my shirt. I screamed like a little girl!

When I hear other artists talk, they talk about 'How come radio's not playing my song?' Well, you have to look at it under a microscope and know that each station is just trying to do what's right for their market, and it's scary for a radio station to add a song that they don't know how well it's gonna do for them.

People are scrambling to figure out how they can prolong the life of an album. But as long as the shelf space continues to shrink at retail, there's just no room for them anymore... which is fine with me! I would love to be the next person in country to just release digital singles, but I think we're probably a little ways from that.

I'm a huge Joe Nichols fan, and he put this song out an album called 'Real Things.' I was excited for Joe when I heard it, thinking 'that will easily be Joe Nichols' career song.' I was even more excited when they got out of that album and they never released it as a single, because then I was like, 'Now that's gonna be my career single.'

The way my family always did Christmas was on Christmas Eve, it wasn't really centered around a dinner on Christmas Eve. It was more about keeping the kids calm. Sometime after dark is when we were going to open all the presents underneath the tree from Mom, Dad and the kids and everything - just the family presents was every Christmas Eve.

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