I love weddings: happy people coming together to celebrate in great clothes.

I'm a crier. You won't see me lashing out, but you will see me crying a lot.

My childhood bedroom had wallpaper that was printed with clouds and rainbows.

I was not expecting my sister to ask me to be her best man. I was so honored.

It's so cheesy, but I'm a firm believer in 'If you build it, they will come.'

A slick ponytail is a great way to add a modern, minimal look to your outfit.

I feel very lucky because I get to work in so many different areas of fashion.

Being on the red carpet is both fun and a little nerve wracking, but more fun.

Hollywood and fashion are symbiotic partners, especially during awards season.

It's very rare that I get really upset about something my assistants have done.

Paris is one of my favorite cities, but Paris during Fashion Week is everything!

People aren't hiring me to be a 'yes' man. They have their girlfriends for that.

I always have my Bose headphones. I have to have the noise-cancelling headphones.

Some nights, you want to be George Jetson, and other nights, you want to be sexy.

I believe the way we dress on a daily basis is our message we put out to the world.

There are so many levels in fashion that I'm happy to dip in and dip out of it all.

You can't go wrong mixing classic graphics in black and white. It's very Parisienne.

I'm a stylist, so I've been conditioned to setting up my own clothes like a fitting.

Someone I would love to do a beautiful and glamorous red carpet moment is Lady Gaga.

Marilyn Monroe to me is the epitome of glamour, and always has been since I was a kid.

I like to communicate on my Instagram page with people: use it as a window to my world.

I approach styling as if I were a woman and what I would want to wear to a certain event.

Scarves, mittens, and hats are a great way to express your personality in the cold weather

Scarves, mittens, and hats are a great way to express your personality in the cold weather.

I am very lucky to have the opportunity to travel to so many amazing destinations for work!

Long chiffon pleated skirts look great with sandals or sneakers and a tank top or denim top.

Whether it's something with a chunkier heel or a moto style, you need a great pair of boots.

I believe every woman should have a flat, a really good wedge, and then the showstopper shoe.

I fall asleep on the couch in front of the TV. It's very rare that I see the end of any show.

A blouse that hits at the hips or above will keep you from seeming shapeless in a flowy skirt.

One of the biggest struggles in starting out on my own was developing a celebrity client base.

I think sometimes when our childhoods are difficult, we forget that there's also a lot of joy.

I believe that things should be let go once they are discussed. Apology accepted. End of story.

Internships are so instrumental, but not only do you need to get them, you need to work at them.

I like to work out while I'm away - it's good to clear my head and makes me feel cuter poolside.

I love having beautiful furniture and things, but I don't want my space to look like a showroom.

I'm obsessed with sparkle for men. It's so funny watching people's reaction to a disco-ball shoe!

If you wear a white polka dot on your legs, you're going to want to wear a black polka dot on top.

Some of the 'worst' red carpet looks of all time, it turns out, were really just ahead of their time.

With glitzy add-ons, the bright, girly dress you bought for daywear becomes fancy enough for evening.

I'm Canadian, so I'm a big fan of the Canadian tuxedo - that's what we call it. I wear it all the time.

I shop online mostly. I like to shop from the comfort of my own home without a sales person bugging me.

I'm not in the business of holding people's hands after I've expressed to them my needs numerous times.

Being able to look cute, at all times, while being able to peel off layers is the most essential thing.

Being a celebrity stylist, there are many tricks of the trade that I use in my house and with my clients.

Everything is very individual for me in the way that I work; I don't just show a rotating rack of clothes.

Overall, we've lost risk-takers on the red carpet at the Academy Awards. All too often, stars play it safe.

I have been so lucky to have the support of 'InStyle' magazine. My first big women's fashion story was for them.

If you do a smoky eye, chances are you will not want to do a strong lip as well. It's never good to gild the lily.

As the stylist, sometimes you see things that you love that don't work, and that's OK. That's why we have fittings!

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