I forget it's Shane Warne and just think of him as any old bowler lobbing down a lump of leather.

I believe cricket is a harder game. If at age six you started both sports you'd excel at golf more.

You don't need a group of superstars, you need a team working together to bring you better results.

Sachin is the greatest player I have seen. I consider it an honour to have rubbed shoulders with him

Test cricket is still important, so are ODIs, but T20 should be there too because of the crowd factor.

Growing up in the '70s my heroes were Clive Lloyd, Viv Richards and Roy Fredericks as a left-hand batsman.

With all franchise cricket going on around in the world, the intensity of the game, sometimes is a burden.

I feel as if I was to strike on one thing that I was decent at was mentally where I prepared myself strongly.

Teachers across the world are doing all they can to ensure a good education is the top priority for children.

You just don't pick up family values, unless your parents teach you and let you know exactly what they expect.

Pretty early, when I started playing golf, I was compared to Garfield Sobers, who played both cricket and golf.

Sports will equip kids with the necessary tools to face academic challenges, and provide all-round development.

I first took up golf in 1994, and used to play intermittently. I couldn't devote as much time to it as I would've liked.

I played a couple first-class matches at Carlton and Guaracara Park and it was a real burial ground for the fast bowlers.

For people coming in through the turnstiles and people sponsoring, we are entertainers and that's where the game is going.

I had some bad influences in my time and, if my parents weren't there to straighten me out, things might have gone haywire.

I grew up at a time when West Indies dominated the world. For 15 years from 1980, the West Indies never lost a Test series.

I try to read spinners and dictate to them, but they know very quickly if you're not reading them or if you're not confident.

Cricket is my life and it has been since the age of five so the first opportunity I get, I'll be back playing for West Indies.

After cricket I'd love to build a family, I'd love to get close to someone and have kids, see them evolve into something special.

My dad made sure he gave me everything, he sacrificed what he had to, to make sure I had what I needed to perform at the best level.

I just want that someone in their 50s or 60s, when they talk about Brian Lara, they say 'I enjoyed watching that guy playing cricket.'

We had thousands of people outside Queen's Park Oval in Trinidad. We would wait to get inside to watch a Test at six o'clock in the morning.

Alzarri Joseph is someone who I look at and say 'this guys has got potential, he's a wicket-taker.' He is someone who I'd like to see do well.

The only batsman I would love to see by paying for the tickets and sitting in the stand just to watch him is none other than Sachin Tendulkar.

It has been a great honour to play for the West Indies, to hold a bat and to spend 17 years in international cricket. That is something I am proud of.

When you play a team sport all your life, you need to get out there sometimes and show some individualism in a sport where you play against the nature.

Every senior player has to play a part and help the skipper by performing their duties on the field and secondly by performing their duties off the field.

After accepting the captaincy at the beginning of the 1998 season, I immediately set high but attainable goals for the West Indies cricket team and myself.

I look at Sachin and I see a great player, the kind of person that you would like to follow, but I have my reputation and am happy with the way my career has gone.

When you succeed, you know, you can get swell-headed or you can be failing, and then you are all down in doldrums. So I try, as much as possible, to keep an even keel.

I loved every minute of my 17-year career, all the Test matches, the ODIs and the World Cups. The only disappointment, if you ask me, was I never won a World Cup for West Indies.

It doesn't matter how many runs one person puts together. We want to get partnerships and get 400 runs on the board. One person can't get 400 runs on the board if there is nobody at the other end.

When I was 21, I did not have that much pressure. I was sitting down on the bench... you know... cleaning Sir Vivian Richards's boots or doing something... getting ready to play international cricket.

My brother shaved a cricket bat out of a coconut branch... we played cricket with anything we put our hands on - a hard orange, a lime, a marble - anything we could use in the backyard or the streets.

I've played with and against great players. I've been with Viv Richards, Richie Richardson and played against Sachin Tendulkar, Ricky Ponting, Jaque Kallis and Virat Kohli is up there with the very best.

What you have to understand is that the first day I picked up a bat I made an impression on my older sister Agnes and my dad. It was about seeing people satisfied by what you're doing. I was creating a fan base.

KL Rahul has the technique for all forms of the game and for me more Test cricket than anything else. And if he performs so well in T20s and the 50-overs game, I think Test cricket is really where he's made for.

The highest-ranked team in the world has the responsibility to ensure that the integrity of the game is upheld every single time they play. And that the spirit of cricket is with them every time they enter the field.

I don't see myself as a father figure but as someone who the younger players can come to and talk to about cricket. Not just batting but cricket in general and I am ready to impart with any information or advice I have.

We West Indian cricketers are always proud to play for the West Indies and we know we are made up of different islands and different cultures but we have to be able to mesh together, to come together and perform as a team.

The most unfortunate thing in cricket is not achieving what I set out to do from the very beginning: to be a part of a successful team over a long period of time. I had a little taste of it when I started in 1989, and up till 1995.

I don't think there is any 16-year-old who is going to embark on the sort of career that Sachin Tendulkar has had and walk away from the game at 40 with such great achievements. He's the Muhammad Ali and the Michael Jordan of cricket.

It's a cliche that cricket is the only unifying force in the Caribbean. It is but there are a lot of other factors that keep us apart. Success in sport and war will always unite but you need to have a greater foundation and greater core.

I appreciate every batsman in the world for different reasons. If I want someone to tough it out in the middle, I'd pick Steve Waugh. If I want someone who I know is going to have the technique to survive, you want a player like Tendulkar.

Yes, golf is a weird game. I was capable of dealing with moving and bouncing cricket balls, but this little silly ball, sitting on the ground, gave me quite a headache early on for few years, but taught me how to be disciplined in controlling the ball.

I really enjoyed the period in which I played my cricket. I can look back now and wish I started 10 years later and played in the T20s. But I also wish I was born 10 years earlier so that I could have been part of the all-conquering West Indies team of that time.

A high-profile player has to toe the line and I try to lead by example. A lot of guys appreciate that, and it is an advantage to have somebody as captain whom the players feel they can look up to; somebody whose door they can knock on to talk about anything on cricket or life.

When the others grew tired and went home and there was no one else to play with I used to play my own Test matches on the porch of our house, using a broom handle or a stick as the bat and a marble as the ball. I would arrange the pot plants to represent fielders and try to find the gaps as I played my shots.

I remember the reason why did I start my golf. We had a four day game I was playing for Trinidad against the Leeward Islands. They had in their ranks Winston Benjamin, Curtly Ambrose and Kenneth Benjamin. To add to it, the track was a green top. The four day game lasted two days, so I had two days to play golf.

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