The power of getting to know one another is so immense, eclipsed only by first getting to know ourselves.

Command the space of your beingness - a space where you are allowed to grow into your true, unique nature.

The solution to nearly every problem in the world comes down to greater awareness, compassion, and empathy.

The woman must be restored to her rightful place, as the strong, loving maternal leader of peace and reason.

Every symbol, word, concept, discipline and field is only a temporary rest stop on the highway of discovery.

When you focus on want, you become an endless cycle of wants. To get, simply release, and then gently invite.

Every soul is beautiful and precious; is worthy of dignity and respect, and deserving of peace, joy and love.

I learned that peace is prosperity and health is true wealth, and it is never too late to love yourself again.

One of the most important things one can do in life is to brutally question every single thing you are taught.

People have moments of consciousness and epiphanies throughout their lives, but then suppress the realization.

The true creator-self is a light at heart and free child, who accesses destiny as a simple act of joyful play.

You cannot save everyone. Some people are going to destroy themselves no matter how much you try to help them.

Some people are so addicted to their misery that they will destroy anything that gets in the way of their fix.

When we are at peace with ourselves the total expression of that true peace includes our outer being; our body.

You cannot save people from themselves. All you can do is stand firmly in your hopes for them, with compassion.

Life moves forward. The old leaves wither, die and fall away, and the new growth extends forward into the light.

Wanting anything too desperately is a form of aggression and violence, which will always be met with resistance.

Seek for illumination of self, and then the world, through the simple, humble, almighty, supreme virtue of love.

We are all frail-embodied creatures, who at times suffer through injustice, abuse, illness, pain and misfortune.

If you do not like a certain behavior in others, look within yourself to find the roots of what discomforts you.

Why do we laugh at such terrible things? Because comedy is often the sarcastic realization of inescapable tragedy.

In America, educators punish those who actually think for themselves. There is only acceptance for popular opinion.

National pride is the culmination of a lifetime public relations campaign of psychological mind-control techniques.

The expansion of your own consciousness, love capacity, humility and compassion - this is the path; this is the way.

Fear is the greatest enemy; the father of all suffering, and love is the only cure for humanity's great afflictions.

Cultivating your value proposition in life is the way to move forward. You are the raw material of your own destiny.

Respect is that great spirit of good, which creates the beautiful space giving all souls the simple room to breathe.

Change can be beautiful when we are brave enough to evolve with it, and change can be brutal when we fearfully resist.

The trees which are pruned, watered and nurtured by caring hands bear the greatest fruits; it is the same with people.

Don't make the mistake of thinking that you have to agree with people and their beliefs to defend them from injustice.

The greatest joys in life are found not only in what we do and feel, but also in our quiet hopes and labors for others.

Death is the great hope of all life; the desire to expend itself; to be used and consumed by its own longing for itself.

Most people do not actually know how to think for themselves, and unfortunately that prevents them from even knowing it.

We fake perfect so others don't have to experience any unpleasant realities, because their life is just as fake as ours.

When we want to talk, we can instead listen, and let our attentiveness to another's need to speak be our silent statement.

Know yourself. Be yourself. Love yourself. Seek goodness and be goodness. Seek beauty and be beauty. Seek love and be love.

We must strive for literacy and education that teach us to never quit questioning and probing at the assumptions of the day.

The only way is to teach with love, which requires looking beyond what seems, and remembering we create with our judgements.

The test of a belief is not exclusively in the belief itself, but also in the intentions and actions of those who embrace it.

We only hurt others because we don't love ourselves. Learning to truly love yourself changes your relationship with everyone.

The feeling of being 'offended' is a warning indicator that is showing you where to look within yourself for unresolved issues.

Want ever so gently. Invite your desires to you like you call a cat. Any aggressive move toward your goals will chase them away.

In the company of the accomplished, people hope it will rub off on themselves, in the company of the misfortunate, they fear it!

My self-esteem had been crushed through years of childhood bullying and serious abuses, which would take me decades to overcome.

Sometimes power is all a person has, so they will protect it even unto their own destruction, for without power they have nothing.

Afford every soul you encounter the wide and free passage they need to give birth to the dear expressions they feel are important.

Do you want to know what you are? You are a creator. At every moment you are creating. The real question is, what are you creating?

Nations and governments come and go, but people remain, and therefore people are the ultimate foundation of what is real and worthy.

The love and attention you always thought you wanted from someone else is the love and attention you first need to give to yourself.

Your intelligence is a fire that can illuminate any darkness. Awaken and let your mind burn so brightly! You are alive for a reason!

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