I'm very confident in my ability to learn, but every time I'm in the ring, I can't believe the things I can do and that I've learned.

I feel very fortunate to be the face of the women's division on 'Smackdown Live' and defend that championship any opportunity that I get.

I want to make history and be the first-ever SmackDown Women's Champion, and whatever I have to do to make that happen, I'm going to do it.

I depended a lot on being an over-the-top, ridiculous, obnoxious, Staten Island Princess. That's what I did, and I guess the rest is history.

There's nothing wrong with being a Diva. If it's because I take care of myself and look good, then I don't think there's anything wrong with that.

Anytime you're partnered with a guy in wrestling, it's exciting and different. Having James Ellsworth by my side for a while, that got people talking.

I was in NXT for about a little over two years, and then I was drafted to 'SmackDown Live,' and now I can say I'm the first-ever Miss Money in the Bank.

My dad did some work for WWE in the early '90s, so I grew up watching and being in and around it. I never, ever thought it was something that I could do.

I want to make history and just show people that if you have determination and if you want to work hard enough and want something, you can make it happen.

After starting off in NXT and then getting here to 'SmackDown Live,' all I ever wanted to do was to create history and be a part of the women's revolution.

Charlotte Flair - she took my title from me. I did beat her twice; however, she beat me and took my title from me, unfortunately. But I'm gonna get it back.

Everyone has been talking about me. Whether they love me, whether they hate me, whether they love to hate me, I don't really care; they're talking about me.

I can joke around and say I look and do the best, but honestly, I just feel like, whatever situation I'm in, I want to do the best at it and keep improving.

I didn't come from wrestling, and I never wrestled outside of WWE. So I'm kind of a homegrown talent. I learned everything from the performance center and NXT.

To me, it was so exciting that after just a short time of being on my own in NXT, I proved that I could do this on my own, and I got drafted to 'SmackDown Live.'

It's so fun because the Carmella you see on 'SmackDown Live' is so different to me. It's great to be able to portray this character in a way that I never would in real life.

Bayley's my best friend. We've been friends since NXT. It sucks because she's on 'Raw' and I'm on 'SmackDown,' but we still talk every single day, and we're really good friends.

I just love the Carmella character. It's so over the top. It's so extra. She's not afraid to be herself and say what's on her mind, and I think a lot of people can relate to that.

I was 4 years old and wanted to be the scariest witch anyone had ever seen. My mom painted my face green, darkened my eyebrows, and put a mole on my nose so I could fully look the part.

My dad was a wrestler back in the early '90s, so it just brought everything full circle with my dad's background and my love of performing and entertainment, and now here I am in the WWE.

Something I took away from Kurt Angle's Hall of Fame speech was never be afraid to make a fool of yourself, and don't take yourself too seriously. I really let that sink in and ran with it.

People say that wrestling is not ballet. But as a former ballerina, I'd like to see some of these men put on a pair of tights and go do what a dancer does. Because it's a lot! It's definitely difficult.

I really want to show women that it is OK to have a career and put that - not necessarily first, but to put it out there. You can do it all. Is it going to be hard? Yes. Is it going to be worth it? Of course.

I just love sneakers. When I first started wrestling, I was wrestling in boots, and I felt like I was trying too hard to play a wrestler. I just wanted to be myself. So when I started wearing sneakers, I felt so much better.

Growing up, of course I was the coolest girl in the 3rd grade because I told everyone that my dad was a wrestler, and I would bring in these wrestling magazines of him, and every Saturday morning, he would be body slamming me on my bed.

Nowadays, women are looked at as equal to the men when it comes to competing, and I think that's a really cool message to send to little girls and show them that whatever they want to do, they can set their mind to it and make it happen.

There are obviously a lot of negative connotations that go along with being a Diva. But to me, being a Diva is someone who takes care of herself, that looks fabulous, is always on point with her fashion, and doesn't care what anybody thinks.

I love the feeling of being in front of a live crowd and performing and just kind of letting loose and getting the crowd involved, and I got to perform at the Superbowl and at the Staples Center, you know, at the Lakers game, which was amazing.

When I was in NXT, I never wrestled on a TakeOver. I didn't have too many high-profile matches: I probably wrestled about 10 matches in total on NXT TV, including the one championship match against Bayley, which was so much fun and my favorite match in NXT.

For me, it's not an option to not be in shape and to not work out. I just always try to make time for it and strength train four or five days a week, and I'm always eating clean, so - don't get me wrong, though - I love a good pizza and some wings every now and then.

One thing that I'm super fortunate of - I grew up in a house where it was all about health and fitness. My dad was a wrestler; he was a boxer. He's always been into working out, and so I was the only kid in the first grade that got carrot sticks at school instead of chips.

When I was living in L.A., first of all, I had actually tried out or submitted to be on 'Tough Enough' when I was living in L.A. and then I ended up getting, like, a few call backs, but because I had just moved out there for the Lakers, I just felt like I couldn't have done both.

I'm on 'WrestleMania!' I don't care if I'm on the Kickoff show; it was just such a great opportunity to be a part of 'WrestleMania.' It was my very first 'WrestleMania,' and a lot of people say, 'Oh, but you're on the Kickoff.' It doesn't matter: you're still a part of 'WrestleMania.'

I just feel so lucky and fortunate to be a part of all these 'first-evers.' Now it's getting to a point where we don't even have to say the 'first-ever' or anything like that because it's just become the norm. Before, it was, 'Oh my gosh, the women are the main event of 'Smackdown' tonight.' And now it's, 'The women are the main event.'

It just brings a different element to the table when you're wrestling with a guy as a partner because you don't know what's going to happen. When you have just a regular women's match or regular men's match you know they're going to fight. When there's a little bit of a mixture, you never know what's going to happen, and I think it's a lot of fun.

When I first got my ring name as Carmella, I knew I was just going to do whatever I could to create this over-ridiculous, over-the-top character that would just help me get my face, and I don't even know what I'm trying to say, but just get me out there and just show, like, 'OK, wow, we need to pay attention to this girl because she has something.'

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