For you to be successful and provide your employees with the necessary tools for success, you and your boss must work together - no matter what.

If you want to make better use of your time, you need to be looking for the small increments of time ... a minute here, five minutes there, etc.

When you write things down, you commit to doing them. If you simply tell me what you want to do, there is really no commitment to getting it done.

You can help determine your team's enthusiasm for the change by focusing on the entrance of potential while you are working through the exit of the past.

You will never have enough time to do everything you need to do, so what you need is a crystal clear understanding of the important things you have to do.

Your job is not to lower the bottom by adjusting for and accommodating the lowest-performing employees. You should be raising the top by recognizing and rewarding superstar behavior.

Trusted counselors, mentors and guides make an indelible mark on the lives they touch, and they provide the two ingredients to success in life--caring and sharing--that cannot be learned or purchased.

If each Monday morning, you make a choice to move into the new work week with renewed commitment and passion, you can change all areas of your life. You can truly change your Mondays and change your life.

If expecting something in return is your reason for giving, you are really not giving- you're swapping. If you receive something in return for your gift, what you receive is a bonus - not a repayment of a debt.

Success is ultimately realized by people who make more good choices and recover quickly from their bad choices. Our personal and professional success depends on repeating good choices, day in and day out, and avoiding repetition of bad choices.

Leadership can't be claimed like luggage at the airport. Leadership can't be inherited, even though you may inherit a leadership position. And leadership can't be given as a gift - even if you've been blessed with an abundance of leadership skills to share with someone else. Leadership must be earned by mastering a defined set of skills and by working with others to achieve common goals.

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