I love cooking and baking in my free time and getting outside and walking around, as well as shopping and eating.

I aspire to be an icon in a womanly, healthy way. I don't want to be some skinny, gaunt model nobody can relate to.

My sister, mom, and I always make holiday treats like Christmas cutout cookies and red and green chocolate chip cookies.

I put in oils and creams in my hair 3 times a day, and it just soaks it up, and then I have a bunch of special shampoos.

We get put down a lot in this industry, and I think when you're really young and you're not used to it, it really hurts you.

Hydration is key! I know that is an obvious one, but drinking tons of water and keeping your skin hydrated is very important.

I am very good at washing my face in the morning and at night; I use a lot of moisturizer, too, because I think that's super important.

There are so many factors involved in picking a model for a shoot or show. If they want a brunette, then they're not going to go with me.

One of my favourite tricks is using a cream pencil or liner on the waterline under the eye; then it makes your eyes look bigger and brighter.

Now I just bake when I'm bored and I'm not working and I don't want to go out. I'll just get recipes and bake them here for myself, honestly.

For exercise, I am doing a lot of Pilates. I am very tight and not very flexible, and so it is a nice balance between stretching and doing exercises.

Fragrance, to me, is a scent that you can call your own, have other people identify you with, and also express the vibes that you're feeling that day.

Social media just plays this massive factor in all of our lives now, and also, the bloggers and influencers are coming in and taking our jobs as models.

I'm friends with a lot of influencers, and I'm very supportive. They want to come in and do what I'm doing, and I want to branch out to what they're doing.

I want to show people what it's really like to be in this industry. Because they only really see one side - the glamorous side - but there's so much more to it.

I love Sunday Riley Hydro Active Face Oil, Clinique Acne Solutions Moisturizer Cream, and Weleda Skin Food if I'm working a lot, since it's so thick and hydrating.

I make a honey, egg white, and lemon face mask. It helps to reduce the appearance of sun spots and pimples; plus, it's so nutritious and natural, what could be better!

I wanted to look sexy and I felt like I was too skinny so I started working out with a trainer trying to build some muscle because I was like this skinny little scrawny girl.

My signature dish - something I've been making since I was 10 - is angel hair pasta with shrimp and feta in a white-wine basil sauce with tomatoes, because it's absolutely amazing.

My favorite airport snack is probably either a smoothie with berries and Greek yogurt from Jamba Juice or an Auntie Anne's pretzel because I cannot walk past Auntie Anne's smelling that without eating it.

My favorite to cook is this recipe I've been making since I was 12 years old with my mom, and it's an angel hair shrimp pasta with tomatoes, feta, garlic, white wine - it's so easy but so fresh and so delicious!

I like to bring some hydrating face oils and de-puffing eye patches in case I get puffy on the flight. I also always am sure to travel with my own silk eye mask; it's so necessary when trying to sleep on flights.

I was in middle school at a bat mitzvah, and a fashion photographer, Suzy Gorman, came up to me and asked me if I considered being a model. I did a shoot with her, and than I signed with an agency in Saint Louis.

We're being critiqued every day, whether you hear them critiquing you, or it's behind your back, whether it's the client, casting, friends, agents - you're constantly being judged, and you're constantly being denied!

I am not so bad, actually, at doing my own makeup, so for more low-key events, I'll do my own, but for something like 'Harper's Bazaar' Icons Party, I would definitely get a makeup artist or a hair artist if I had time.

I'm kind of naturally thin, so if I were to completely crash diet, I'd almost be too skinny, and for the VS show, you want to look strong and muscular and fit. Leading up to the show, I eat everything that I normally do, but I moderate it.

I actually broke my nose when I was 7 years old, and I'm always super conscious that it turns slightly one way. I have a slight bump in it, too, but I've found that if I put a bit of concealer on one side of the bump, it seems to blend in more.

Every year around Christmas and Thanksgiving, I buy a bunch of toys for the sick children in the oncology center at the St. Louis Children's Hospital. I really love giving back and putting a smile on their faces, especially during the holidays.

I am a huge fan of the supermodels from the '80s and '90s, like Naomi Campbell and Cindy Crawford. My ultimate favorite is Daniela Pestova. She is the epitome of a strong, healthy, sexy woman. I like working out and being fit, so I look up to women like her.

I'm a product fiend. I love the Clarisonic cleansing brush; it's an amazing exfoliator that gets rid of all the dirt every day. And I use Clinique Anti-Blemish Solutions Clarifying Lotion - I don't break out that much, but I feel like it's a good preventative.

Having a performance goal is really fun because it gives you something to work for in every single session. As opposed to just thinking, 'Okay, I want to have abs,' you can build your way up through having performance goals to get abs and to get stronger all over!

I've had a ranch house my whole life, so we'd go down there, be in nature, and just listen to country music. For me, it's very relaxing. When I hear it while I'm traveling or wherever I am, even working, it just mellows me out and brings me back home... It's comforting.

Living in New York, there's so much pollution, it's really good to just give your skin a reboot and get off all those dead skin cells. Then, moisture is everything just because my skin gets dried out so much from putting on makeup and pulling it off all day that I love face masks.

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