They say the shoe can always fit, no matter whose foot it's on. These days feel like I'm squeezing in 'em. Who ever wore 'em before just wasn't thinking big enough, I'm about to leave 'em with 'em

I still just like everybody else need to meet quotas with my spins, with my buzz and make my way into the office. It has to be undeniable; the world has to know about you before Jay-Z makes a call.

They take the greats from the past and compare us. I wonder if they'd ever survive in this era. In a time where it's recreation, to pull all your skeletons out the closet like Halloween decorations.

It's hard to think of them polite flows when Stephano Polato suits are your night clothes, and Jordan sweat suits are your flight clothes, and you still make it even when they say your flight closed.

I think with the right person and the right music, people from all walks of life can come together. I know that's what my life was about. I've seen it all, so that's what I want to bring to the table.

Once you make something that people enjoy then you are forced to promote it. Instead of just going right into the next project, you have to be where they need you to be and do what they need you to do.

Just because I had a winner, it doesn't mean I'm gonna be like, "OK, I need a new 'Successful.'" That's silly. I just don't want anything to sound like anything else, which I hope is everybody's vision.

I wish that we lived in a time and a generation where people would stop viewing my honesty as overly emotional. People always act like I spend my life crying in a dark room. I don't, I'm good. I'm a man.

You telling me it's only been a couple other people that you've been with Imma trust you Imma give you the benefit of the doubt and Imma love you You can even call me daddy, give you someone to look up to

The way you walk, that's me The way you talk, that's me The way you got your hair up, did you forget that's me? & the voice in the speaker right now, that's me, that's me & the voice in your ear, that's me

I try to really capitalize off of what other rappers really can't do. There are opportunities that rappers I love simply can't get, because... you know... I don't have the tattoos; I have a different image.

I want to be remembered as an artist that gave you a piece of me, as opposed to some surface bullshit. I just want to be remembered as a poet that was open and honest because I wake up every morning and I'm me.

And I love it when your hair still wet cause you just took a shower. Runnin on a treadmill and only eating salad. Sound so smart like you graduated college, like you went to Yale but you probably went to Howard.

When I finish writing a rap verse. It's a lot like sex: You start off slow with ideas, like foreplay, and then you put your all into it. When you end it with the perfect thought, it's like that perfect last stroke.

Work som', twerk som' basis. She just tryna make it so she's right here gettin naked. I don't judge her-I don't judge her. But I could never love her cause to her I'm just a rapper and soon she'll have met another.

I push myself in a lot of aspects when I write a song. I write a piece and where most people would stop and say, 'Oh, that's the hook right there,' I'll move that to the first four bars of the verse and do a new hook.

I saw Nicki for the first time and, like, literally fell in love. She had this snap-back hat on that said 'Minaj.' She used to wear that every single day. She was like a theater student and she was so cold at rapping.

I heard a lil homie talking reckless in Vibe. Quite a platform you chose, you shoulda kept it inside. Oh you tried, it's so childish calling my name on the world stage. You need to act your age and not your girl's age.

I love Nicki Minaj, I told her I’d admit it, I hope one day we get married just to say we f-cking did it and girl I’m f-cking serious, I’m with it if you with it, cause your verses turn me on and your pants are mighty fitted.

When I'm writing, I'm thinking about how the songs are going to play live. Fifty bars of rap don't translate onstage. No matter how potent the music, you lose the crowd. They want a hook; they want to sing your stuff back to you.

And I just hope that I'm forgiven for carin bout how they livin and loanin a little money and keepin em outta prison I aint lyin in my verses, I'm just tellin you the basics of growin up wit ya friends and becomin the one that made it

There will be days when I walk in an arena and people will cheer and then there might be days when I walk in an arena and people might boo, but it all sounds the same to me because it's all just noise that lets me know that I'm relevant.

That's a good thing for me. I own everything, I have 100% creative control, I own all my masters, everything. I'm blessed to be in that situation. If we sell some records, I think we'll just add to the historic pace that this has been going at.

Really I think I like who I'm becomin.. There's times where I might do it just to do it like it's nothin. It's times where I might blow like 50k on a vacation for all my soldiers just to see the looks on all their faces, all it took was patience

Everyone just wants to see what you can do for yourself. People think that just because I have some big ridiculous number on my myspace page that it's all easy for me. People are interested but I don't come home to labels waiting outside my house.

Surface R&B doesn't work any more. The whole heartthrob thing, songs about unrealistic love and tearing your shirt off every show - that's not really where it's at any more. It's becoming harder for those guys to sell records, and harder for them to succeed.

I love seeing people react to my music. Its like a drug, one of the strongest drugs ever in my opinion. Not that I'’m doing drugs.. I just love that feeling. Putting out a feeling and having it really be the one is more addicting than anything in my life now.

I like all different kinds of music. I never heavily molded myself after rappers. Sometimes they say when you think something and you go to say it, you lose a lot of color about what you're trying to say, so to me the best rappers are the people that don't lose that color.

I don't see perfection as far as a visual image of perfection. "Perfection" to me is, I walk away from a situation and say, "I did everything I could do right there. There was nothing more that I could do." Like, I worked as hard as I possibly could have. That's perfection.

I am right at the bottom compared to everybody else with press kits and demos and trying to get meetings. That's what I love about music and hate about it. That's why I respect people that are successful in the music business because you really have to build it from the ground up.

You don't make stupid internet videos or show people you have too much free time, you just say the right things and they'll be like, "Damn this dude's a real person and I can relate to that." That can make somebody's life, that can make somebody's day, that can be a line that they never forget.

I hope somebody makes a movie about Obama's life soon because I could play him. That's the goal. I watch all the addresses. Any time I see him on TV, I don't change the channel. I definitely pay attention and listen to the inflections of his voice. If you ask anyone who knows me, I'm pretty good at impressions.

Since I started, I've always been giving my music away for free. I've always kind of done it for the people. I don't want to lose my fans completely because they support me in a way that's more than just listening to my music. They support me like we're friends. They support me like they have emotions invested in it.

'Perfection' to me is, I walk away from a situation and say, 'I did everything I could do right there. There was nothing more that I could do.' I was a hundred percent, like the meter was at the top. There was nothing else I could have done. You know? Like, I worked as hard as I possibly could have. That's perfection.

I like getting my own thoughts out right now, I have fans to solidify, so that's why I don't do tracks with too many younger rappers or newer artists. People may consider me to be a music snob or whatever, but I like to preserve what's mine and I also don't just do tracks to do tracks, I make every song with a purpose.

You know good and well that you don't want a problem like that, you gon' make someone around me catch a body like that. Ohhh, don't do it! Please don't do it. Cause one of us goes in and we all go through it. And Drizzy got the money, so Drizzy gonna pay it. Those my brothers, I aint even gotta say it, that's just something they know

Six months is the most you can ask of any fan in this day and age, with the Internet and all these new artists. I understand that my music is in a lot of mediums. Some people want me to make an R&B album. Some people want me to never sing again. I just don't want people to be able to draw comparisons between my old songs and my new ones.

I like the fact that I have two names because I find that in this industry you have to have dual personalities especially being a transitional entertainer, being an actor going into music. It's not that I'm pretending to be somebody else but it's just that the people that I act with, the Directors, Producers and Agents, can't really relate to what I talk about.

I wish that we lived in a time and a generation where people would stop viewing my honesty as overly emotional. People always act like I spend my life crying in a dark room. I don't, I'm good. I'm a man. I want to be remembered as an artist that gave you a piece of me, as opposed to some surface bullshit. I don't think people realize that we die, we leave here, and either they forget about you or remember you. And how they remember you is up to you. I just want to be remembered as a poet that was open and honest because I wake up every morning and I'm me.

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