Nothing we learn in this world is ever wasted.

No one can insult you without your permission.

...without equality there can be no democracy.

There is nothing to fear except fear it's self.

You must do the things you think you cannot do.

We must preserve our right to think and differ.

No leader can be too far ahead of his followers.

The mind must be trained, rather than the memory.

The basis of all good human behavior is kindness.

The only joy in this hard life is serving others.

This living in a democracy is a problem, isn't it?

People who 'view with alarm' never build anything.

Unused ability, like unused muscles, will atrophy.

No one from the beginning of time has had security.

It is today that we create the world of the future.

I shall either find a way, or make one (attributed)

Get out of the way as quickly as you're not needed.

If you have to compromise, be sure to compromise up.

Perhaps nature is our best assurance of immortality.

it is harder to be philosophical when you are young.

People can only make you inferior with your consent.

Poverty is an expensive luxury. We cannot afford it.

The freedom of man, I contend, is the freedom to eat.

With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.

Life has got to be lived - that's all there is to it.

America is all about speed. Hot, nasty, bad-ass speed.

You'll be "damned if you do, and damned if you don't."

It is not more vacation we need — it is more vocation.

What could we accomplish if we knew we could not fail?

Only a man's character is the real criterion of worth.

The choices we make are ultimately our responsibility.

It is not more vacation we need - it is more vocation.

Democracy cannot be static. Whatever is static is dead.

It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness.

To leave the world richer—that is the ultimate success.

It is so much easier to be enthusiastic than to reason!

Power corrupts. Knowledge is power. Study hard. Be evil.

The most important word in the English language is hope.

When it's better for everyone, it's better for everyone.

When you cease to make a contribution, you begin to die.

the greatest luxury I know is sitting up reading in bed.

Mr. [Richard M.] Nixon never has anything but hindsight.

There is in every country an antipathy to the foreigner.

The greatest gift you can give a child is an imagination.

...real prosperity can only come when everybody prospers.

We all grow older and we all have to live with ourselves.

Sailors have the cleanest bodies and the filthiest minds.

Staying aloof is not a solution, it is a cowardly evasion.

Justice cannot be for one side alone, but must be for both.

I'm so glad I never feel important, it does complicate life!

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