Oh, I just wish someone would try to hurt you so I could kill them for you.

I like intelligent women. When you go out, it shouldn't be a staring contest.

Las Vegas is the only place I know where money really talks--it says, Goodbye.

A man doesn't know what happiness is until he's married. By then it's too late.

A man doesn't know what happiness is until he's married. By then, it's too late.

Nothing anybody's said or written about me ever bothers me, except when it does.

Take a deep breath, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again.

People who make a living off other people's fortunes or misfortunes are parasites.

All day long, they lie in the sun, and when the sun goes down, they lie some more.

I would like to be remembered as a man who brought an innovation to popular singing.

You've either got or you haven't got style, and if you've got it you stand out a mile.

If you can make it there, you'll make it anywhere; it's up to you, New York, New York.

My father had a piano that was a nickelodeon - put a nickel, and the roller would play.

You buy a Ferrari when you want to be somebody. You buy a Lamborghini when you are somebody.

It took me a long, long time to learn what I now know, and I don't want that to die with me.

Start spreading the news, I am leaving today. I want to be a part of it, New York, New York.

It is Billie Holiday who was, and still remains, the greatest single musical influence on me.

That's life,and I can't deny it/Many times I thought of cuttin' out but my heart won't buy it.

If you possess something but you can't give it away, then you don't possess it... it possesses you.

Whatever else has been said about me personally is unimportant. When I sing, I believe. I'm honest.

The only male singer who I've seen besides myself and who's better than me--that is Michael Jackson.

If I had done everything I'm credited with, I'd be speaking to you from a laboratory jar at Harvard.

Don't respond to negativity with more negativity. Just put your head down and prove your critics wrong.

What is the point of singing wonderful lyrics if the audience can't understand what is being said or heard?

If I had as many love affairs as I've been given credit for, I'd be in a jar at the Harvard Medical School.

The best is yet to come, and won't that be fine? You think you've seen the sun, but you ain't seen it shine.

Rock 'n Roll: The most brutal, ugly, desperate, vicious form of expression it has been my misfortune to hear.

Only sing - don't do cheap songs, don't do silly songs, just do, just do wonderful songs that are well-written.

When lip service to some mysterious deity permits bestiality on Wednesday and absolution on Sunday, cash me out.

[Answering the phone] Hello, this is a recording, you've dialed the right number, now hang up and don't do it again.

Basically, I'm for anything that gets you through the night - be it prayer, tranquilizers or a bottle of Jack Daniels.

Fresh air makes me throw up. I can't handle it. I'd rather be around three Denobili cigars blowing in my face all night.

Who knows where the road will lead us Only a fool would say, But if you let me love you I'm sure to love you all the way.

For nobody else, gave me thrill-with all your faults, I love you still. It had to be you, wonderful you, it had to be you.

If power doesn't mean that you have the opportunity to work with the people that you love , then you haven't really got any.

Deplorable, a rancid smelling aphrodisiac . . . it fosters almost totally negative and destructive reactions in young people.

You can be the most artistically perfect performer in the world, but an audience is like a broad - if you're indifferent, Endsville.

As you may know, I have many good friends in the press who, unfortunately, have thus far refused to identify themselves and go public.

My greatest teacher was not a vocal coach, not the work of other singers, but the way Tommy Dorsey breathed and phrased on the trombone.

I firmly believe that nuclear war is absolutely impossible. I don't think anyone in the world wants a nuclear war - not even the Russians.

Love and marriage, love and marriage, go together like a horse and carriage. This I tell ya, brother, you can't have one without the other.

I'm not one of those complicated, mixed-up cats. I'm not looking for the secret to life... I just go on from day to day, taking what comes.

Fear is the enemy of logic. There is no more debilitating, crushing, self-defeating, sickening thing in the world--to an individual or to a nation.

I'm trying to figure out, Chairman of what Board? People come up to me and seriously say: 'Well, what are you Chairman of?' And I can't answer them.

I believe that God knows what each of us wants and needs. It's not necessary for us to make it to church on Sunday to reach Him. You can find Him anyplace.

Way down among Brazilians. Coffee beans grow by the billions. So they've got to find those extra cups to fill. They've got an awful lot of coffee in Brazil

Rock n' roll is the most disgusting form of expression, it's brutal, malefic, a pestilential aphrodisiac, the preferred music of the delinquents of the earth.

When I sing, I believe. I'm honest. If you want to get an audience with you, there's only one way. You have to reach out to them with total honesty and humility.

For years I've nursed a secret desire to spend the Fourth of July in a double hammock with a swingin' redheaded broad. But I could never find me a double hammock

You are the promised kiss of springtime that makes the lonely winter seem long. You are the breathless hush of evening that trembles on the brink of a lovely song.

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