Follow then the shining ones, the wise, the awakened, the loving, for they know how to work and forbear.

Through vigilance, restraint and control the wise will construct and island that no flood will overcome.

If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him, like a shadow that never leaves him.

To refrain from evil and from strong drink and to be always, steadfast in virtue; this is the good luck.

Believe, meditate, see. Be harmless, be blameless. Awake to the law. And from all sorrows free yourself.

Irrigators channel waters; fletchers straighten arrows; carpenters bend wood; the wise master themselves.

Even if everyone elseIs not doing good,I alone will.Even if everyone elseis doing wrong,I alone will not.

To cease from evil, to do good, and to purify the mind yourself, this is the teaching of all the Buddhas.

When giving to others do not linger on thoughts of a giving, what was given, or the one who has received.

From the passions arise worry, and from worry arises fear. Away with the passions, and no fear, no worry.

Do not give up your authority and follow blindly the will of others. This way will lead to only delusion.

If a man does what is good, let him do it again; let him delight in it; happiness is the outcome of good.

Be a lamp to yourself. Be your own confidence. Hold on to the truth within yourself as to the only truth.

Watch the thought and its ways with care, and let it spring from love born out of concern for all beings.

Hatred does not cease through hatred at any time. Hatred ceases through love. This is an unalterable law.

"All conditioned things are impermanent" - when one sees this with wisdom, one turns away from suffering.

Sit Rest Work. Alone with yourself, Never weary. On the edge of the forest Live joyfully, Without desire.

Just as you have come to know, the false discrimination of yourself, apply this mentally to all phenomena

Your mind is a powerful thing. When you filter it with positive thoughts, your life will start to change.

If you want to know the past, look at your present. If you want to know the future, look at your present.

Like fresh milk a bad deed does not turn at once. It follows a fool scorching him like a smouldering fire.

Victory breeds hatred; the defeated live in pain. The peaceful live happily, giving up victory and defeat.

Neither my life of luxury in the palace -nor- my life as ascetic in the forest were ways to enlightenment.

Whatever an enemy might do to an enemy, or a foe to a foe, the ill-directed mind can do to you even worse.

Perfect wisdom, Perfect tranquility,Perfect compassion,arise fromOur love,Our sincerity.Our understanding.

Be your own lamps. Be your own shelters. Hang on to the truth as a lamp. Hang on to the truth as a refuge.

Those who walk in the Way should avoid sensualism as those who carry hay would avoid coming near the fire.

There is no fire like passion. There are no chains like hate. Illusion is a net, Desire is a rushing river.

A fool acquires knowledge only to his own disadvantage. It destroys what good he has, and turns his brains.

When watching after yourself, you watch after others. When watching after others, you watch after yourself.

Speak only the speech that neither torments self nor does harm to others. That speech is truly well spoken.

Every experience, no matter how bad it seems, holds within a blessing of some kind. The goal is to find it.

As an elephant in the battlefield withstands arrows shot from bows all around, even so shall I endure abuse.

There's a treasury full of jade and jewels; It is in you. Don't go searching far from home for it-it's here.

Give the people - confidence. Give the people - delight. Give the people - hope. Give the people - the best.

No one can escape death and unhappiness. If people expect only happiness in life, they will be disappointed.

Speak only endearing speech, speech that is welcomed. Speech, when it brings no evil to others, is pleasant.

If one man kills a hundred men, and another man masters himself, the second man is the much greater warrior.

Do not overrate what you have received, nor envy others. He who envies others does not obtain peace of mind.

"All is passing". When one realises this, he sits loose to this world of sorrow : This is the way of purity.

If I had even a slight awareness, and practiced the Great Way, what I would fear would be deviating from it.

I call wise man who, while he is innocent , endures insults and blows with a patience equal to its strength.

Love in the past is only a memory. Love in the future is only a fantasy. True love lives in the here and now.

Goodwill toward all beings is the true religion; cherish in your hearts boundless goodwill to all that lives.

Craving brings pain; craving brings fear. If you do not yield to craving, you will be free from pain and fear

One who conquers himself is greater than another who conquers a thousand times a thousand on the battlefield.

Being generous, just helping one's relatives and being blameless in one's actions; this is the best good luck.

Establish your mind as necessary for knowledge and remembrance. Establish a mind free of grasping to anything.

A man may conquer a million men in battle but one who conquers himself is, indeed, the greatest of conquerors.

In the end these things matter most: How well did you love? How fully did you live? How deeply did you let go?

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