I wanna do a God album, a positive album so the kids and everybody will understand what's going on.

Full moons, skunk weed all up in the room; You got the munchies, baby? Ice cold milk and Lorna Doones.

I want to see myself as being the king of this: the king of music, man, and everything I lay my hands on.

I'm in tune with the universe, the sun, moon, and stars. I'm in tune with the jinns that are all around us.

It was the beauty that caught me and held my soul hostage... Remember those days? Had you smellin' my boxers.

I made 'Supreme Clientele' what it is. Those are my stories, based around whatever they're based upon. It's me.

I can't talk about Christianity if I don't know it. You can't talk about Muslims or Islam if you don't know it.

At the end of the day, on the day of judgment day when everybody be judged, you're going to get your fair share.

I try to pace my life out and try not to be too involved with negativity and try to fix what I can fix in my life.

We're getting older, and we were never taught these things as kids: how to eat the right portions or the right food.

I try to listen to all music with an open head, a clear head, try not to say just because I don't know it, it's weak.

The Scarecrow needed a brain, the Tin Man needed a heart, and the other dude needed courage. I need love. You feel me?

'The Wizard of Poetry' - I had that title since I did 'The Pretty Toney' album. That's when the name first came to me.

You got a lot of girls out there that can rhyme and are underground, but it's sex appeal that makes people really big.

When Slick Rick first hit the scene, I had to practice that British accent. There's no other storyteller like this man.

Roll big blunts, a whole ounce of reefer Rocked that 'Black and Yellow' before Wiz Khalifa It's a killer bee color scheme

When you up performing, you gotta have your energy right, so I look after myself, and I take vitamins to give me that boost.

Super-cali-fragalistic-expiali-docious, Docious-ali-expi-fragalistic-cali-super. Cancun...catch me in the room, eatin' grouper.

Def Jam just made deals with me. They wouldn't let me go because they didn't really have that much street cred. So they kept me around.

You know when you walk around in your shoes too much and get a hole in the sole? The rubber is split - it's like your shoes are talking.

Things change. Nothing ever stays the same, yo. You ain't never gonna stay 25 or 30 or 40. You always gonna change. Every day you change.

Things change. Nothing ever stays the same, yo. You ain't never gonna stay 25 or 30 or 40. You always gonna change. Every day, you change.

I am a huge fan of R&B. I love R. Kelly and want to be the person every chick gets with, and 'Ghostdini' is one of the best albums I ever did.

I'm like a movie director, so wherever I feel that I need to go over this type of beat, that's what I'm going to do, that's where I'm going to go.

God is real. You have a lot of prophets, angels; everything is real, you know. You know me - I'm a deep person, so my mind goes really, really deep.

I was going into a slump during 'Ironman.' I found out I was a diabetic around that time, and I was just stressed out. My mind wasn't all the way there.

When Wu-Tang came, Wu-Tang was for that era, right there. When Dre had it in the West Coast, it was for that time. Biggie and them, it was for that time.

All this could go tomorrow, and I would still know how to function, because I never had nothing before. I went through the struggle - it was a rough life.

It's an honor to sit back and see people loving the things that you did 25 years ago and still be here and be amongst the crowd to receive those blessings.

You gotta know when it's your time. You might wake up one day like, 'Damn, I just feel good,' but you've been feeling like that for a whole month. That's your season.

Ghostface, catch the blast of a hype verse, My glock bursts, leave in a hearse, I did worse. I come rough, tough like an elephant tusk, Ya head rush, fly like Egyptian musk.

For the hip-hop community, for us to get ahead and go the vegan route or just reducing how much meat you eat, I think it's great for hip-hop, the youth, and the future, everybody.

Anything worth having is hard to keep, I love you like my coffee, so hot and so sweet. So, let's stick it out so we never regret it, I could forgive the past-but I never forget it.

It was magic, I felt the bond between us. She was a jelly to my peanuts, Mars to Venus, The Earth to my sun, moon and stars, We added up mathematically... It's like I had a bad habit, B!

I'm spiritual! You know what spiritual means! Me and God has a good relationship. I'm in tune with the universe, the sun, moon, and stars. I'm in tune with the jinns that are all around us.

It's like when I look into the depths of things, dealing with my spirituality and the most high, it's serious. It's nothing to play with, nahmean. I try my best to be as humble as I can be.

Knowledge is infinite. You can go anywhere you want to go based on feeling and emotion. That's one of the things God gave me, being able to pull people into that direction. That's just what I do.

When Nas and AZ send you a track, you know it is serious business. Same with Styles P and Jadakiss - then it is serious business. But when you get a trap music track, you know it's time to dumb it down.

I could never really tell you what direction. It's just however God just makes it; that's how all of my albums are. I don't really aim for a direction, but I just pick the best beats I can pick and that's it.

I'm funny with food, even if it's vegan. I like it well well, well, well done. I don't want anything there that reminds me of blood. I get mine extra well done. That way, when I look at it, I'm like, 'Okay, cool.'

Yeah. It's all in the music first. The music is like women to me. It's like how you pick your music: everybody got their own different way how they pick their women and their music, and I guess that's what the album becomes.

I can't knock gay rap, or retarded rap - whatever. Do what you do; I don't really listen to it. I don't really pay that no attention. Like I said, it's not my cup of tea - to each his own. At the end of the day, we all people.

For the most part, Islam is about peace. It's dealing with submission to the most high. Mohammed is a prophet, a messenger. But at the same time, we'll fight in the name of Allah. We're not going to let you disrespect our prophet.

The 9th chamber, leave you trapped inside my hallway You try to flee but you got smoked up by the doorway (blaow! blaow! blaow!) No question, I send your ass back, right to the essence Your whole frame is smothered in dirt, now how you restin

I love cheese, and I love onions, pickles, and crunchy things. That's as far as I go with having things crunchy on my burger. I wouldn't go as far as having carrots on my burger. I'll just keep it simple with pickles and cucumbers and some raw onions.

Sometimes I say stuff that people may see things more than what I'm seeing. I just say what God sends me, even if I don't know what I'm talking about or I can't break down the revelation of it. I just take what I receive and put it out there to the people.

When people ask me, 'When are you gonna stop rhyming?' I don't know when I'm gonna stop rhyming because we all got situations. Even when I get 50 or 60 years old, if God spares my life, if I got false teeth and I'm still rhyming, I have to rhyme about that.

You always had a few brothers that was speaking on Islam, like my brother's uncle. It wasn't big in my neighborhood, but with certain brothers, it was big. I respected it because Islam is my home. I found my home when Islam came to me. I've been living with it ever since.

You get the beats. You write to them. You go in the studio and lay it down. Hopefully, a song comes out sounding good. If it comes out sounding good, you put it to the side with the rest of the other good ones, and you try to decide which ones you're gonna use on the album.

'The W' was real dark to me. Out of all the Wu-Tang albums, I like the first one and the second one. When 'The W' came into play, and the other ones, I felt they were just thrown together fast. Everyone got their money, and it was just like, 'Whatever, whatever, whatever.' 'The W' was a real dark album.

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