When I came out of school I didn't even think that modeling was a job.

I don't have the hard everyday life that so many working mothers face.

I think if you give your best as a parent, then that's all you can do.

You have to treat yourself every once in a while, get to the fun stuff!

Because I'm on the runway with some of the best models in the industry.

I was a good kid. My parents laid rules out for me, and I followed them.

I think if you put a smile on people's faces, they give that back to you.

I'm never uncomfortable being naked. I don't have a problem with my body.

Well, I was going to school in Germany. And in my free time I was dancing.

Just because people say no to you, doesn't mean you should say no to yourself.

I'm bad at baking. I'm bad at letting go of things. I'm probably bad at reading.

With a family of six, there is always something to make, create and do together.

I believe I have a healthy common sense and therefore have no need for religion.

You have to just do your thing. As long as you don't hurt anybody along the way.

I can't look in the mirror and look at fake things. I just can't. I'd rather age.

I'm quite scared of flying, and especially helicopters, I don't like them at all.

It's important for children to see what's out there and learn that it's fun to go.

I'm not that patient sometimes. I'm like a rocket - I go a hundred miles per hour.

I don't think I could not have been with an artist of some kind, someone creative.

When you sign yourself up for what you're doing, you have to take care of yourself.

My motto is to go wild on the accessories - the belts, the hair clips, the jewelery.

If you pick something you actually enjoy doing, you have fun every day of your life.

But I also want to have a family with children one day, which is very important to me.

It's important to teach your kids the value of being active by setting a good example.

Children are very addicting. Once they start growing up, you miss when they were little.

I have a normal life and I have this glamorous life, but to me it's two different things.

But all the money in the world cannot make you happy either, so there has to be a balance.

My best advice is to work out with a buddy. They keep you motivated and get you out of bed.

I'm a lioness. I have four cubs. I'm a mom. I want to take care of my kids and protect them.

I don't know why we work, my husband and I. We just do. We are black and white - yin and yang.

I don't know why I got so lucky. I have to pinch myself often and say, 'Is this just a dream?'

I always did feel beautiful when I was pregnant, but I do feel more me when I'm my normal size.

A little acting debut in Spin City, with Michael J. Fox, which opened up a whole new door for me.

For me, my business is my business and my house is my house. I don't want the public in my house.

It's not like I'm this glamour diva who hands everything over and I just sit on my throne at home.

My boys wear red pants or crazy color tops. My kids are more fashion forward in their own dressing.

I grew up in a big family with a lot of kids around, and I definitely want to have children as well.

I never went to a modeling school, and I don't suggest to anybody that they go to a modeling school.

You shouldn't wait for other people to make special things happen. You have to create your own memories.

I like basketball, and I've been to three games, which is so much more fun than seeing it on TV, I think.

For the longest time, you just sound like a broken record, but you have to be consistent when teaching kids.

I don't flirt. It's disrespectful to your husband. I would never do that. I'm very devoted, and he's the same.

No Botox. I don't think I will go there. I don't want to say never, because who knows? Maybe in 10 years I will.

Everyone has a view of what’s pretty and what’s not pretty, and [plastic surgery] just doesn’t look pretty to me.

Apart from sharing my tips on toys or snacks, I'm open to hearing new ideas from other moms. I want to learn, too.

We have a saying in Germany. It is better to have loved and lost than to engage in a land war with Russia in the winter.

You should spend your money on some nice lingerie. Big wool cotton pants, that just doesn't work. You have to feel sexy.

I love when I go out and I have my hair and makeup done, but I also like it when I'm just with the family because that's real.

I wouldn't push my kids to do anything. I want them to be happy, healthy, and I want them to be who they want to be, you know?

I like doing small parts, because I don't feel I'm that practised in acting. It's like making baby steps towards a bigger goal.

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