I think a good relationship is about collaboration.

Eating and exercising should be conscious decisions.

I actually feel I've been unbelievably lucky in love.

The best smell in the world is that man that you love.

I love to read about what my love life is really like.

I have been pregnant in so many movies it's ridiculous.

Here's where I luck out: I'm really computer illiterate.

When you try to avoid the pain, it creates greater pain.

It's so easy to be boxed into one part and one part only.

Yes, I play dress up! I do it for a living, like a retard!

I read a lot of scripts that I just don't find very funny.

Yes, I play dress up. I do it for a living, like a retard.

I feel sexy in my jeans and wearing my boyfriend's T-shirt.

I'm not one aspect of the human experience - none of us is.

Art is so subjective, and people can react however they want.

Maybe it's a fairy tale, but I believe in happily ever after.

I was starting to buy into my own sort of stereotype in a way.

My best hostess tip is to have good food and really good music!

It's a real gift when you find someone to share your life with.

I think when you're off the clock, you should be off the clock.

Don't wait until life has given you an expiration date to live.

I'm not a role model or the poster child for how to do anything.

When I first got an agent, they gave me some advice--lose weight.

If you're not happy, you can become happy. Happiness is a choice.

As a teenager, I was an enormous fan of Valerie Bertinelli's hair.

The gift of my childhood was laughter, being able to find the humor.

Life is about making mistakes. Death is about wishing you made more.

What inspires you, what excites you when you wake up in the morning?

I don't get sent anything strange like underwear. I get sent cookies.

A relationship isn't going to make me survive. It's the cherry on top.

It's impossible to satisfy everyone, and I suggest we all stop trying.

I realised it was only me who was stopping myself from living my life.

Everybody who has ever been snubbed, you know that is very humiliating.

A man divorcing would never be accused of choosing career over children.

I love to entertain. And I love the sound of people enjoying themselves.

It gets so boring you know just to do the same thing over and over again.

I had an idea of what I thought was funny. It's kind of based on how I am.

It's a really nice thing to have so many fans and people that really care.

They always say 'youth is wasted on the young' - there's something to that.

If you only love 70% of yourself, that's what is going to come back to you.

To talk about a relationship trivializes something that's nobody's business.

Yoga changed my life. Have fun and work hard because it will totally pay off.

People who do comedy are always underrated because they make it look so easy.

I love seeing a house and thinking about how it should be redone or restored.

I think you miss out on a lot of stuff when you're so protected and isolated.

The first time I kissed Brad my knees went weak - I literally lost my breath!

Do I have my days when I've thrown a little pity party for myself? Absolutely.

In a man, I look for a friend, someone who's equal, with whom I'm comfortable.

The greater your capacity to love, the greater your capacity to feel the pain.

I think there are opportunities for women in comedies - how zany is up to them.

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