Much as I adore the melodies, I choose a song for what it has to say.

The film industry is a cyclical business. Even musicals are coming back.

I would like to make one thing quite clear. ... I never explain anything.

I'm the lucky lady that was asked to be in those wonderful iconic pieces.

I don't think I have the image that say, Judy Garland has, or Bette Davis.

I was a child prodigy who had a freak voice of something like four octaves.

Hopefully, I brought people a certain joy. That will be a wonderful legacy.

I'd like to be an original, to be myself and not a pale copy of anyone else.

I am told that the first comprehensible word I uttered as a child was 'home.

I am told that the first comprehensible word I uttered as a child was 'home.'

I do wish somewhere there was a film of our stage production of 'My Fair Lady.'

The arts are usually the first thing to be cut in schools or regional programs.

I love that President and Mrs. Obama are embracing the arts. I am so delighted.

I miss singing very, very much, but the best thing is I have never been busier.

I love singing, and I came to absolutely adore it in the later part of my career.

It is not enough to reach for the brass ring. You must also enjoy the merry go round.

It's all about giving back, helping people and encouraging people. I love to do that.

Let me put it this way: I can sing a hell of an 'Old Man River,' way down in the bass.

Words are what make the song. I get a personal vision about what the lyrics are about.

As a rule, my focus is on classical music, but I love jazz. I love everything, actually.

I don't think today's younger audience... would even know what 1920s musicals were like.

Singing has been a cherished gift, and my inability to sing has been a devastating blow.

You always do that with movie musicals. You prerecord and then you lip-synch to playback.

Amateurs practice until they get it right. Professionals practice until it can't go wrong.

I did 'My Fair Lady' for almost 3 1/2 years, eight performances a week. It was a marathon.

Leave every place you go, everything you touch, a little better for your having been there.

Dear Lady Gaga , thank you for the wonderful tribute. Oh my god, it really warmed my heart!

All love shifts and changes. I don't know if you can be wholeheartedly in love all the time.

I Google'd myself a lot of times believe me. A lot of people know more about me than I knew.

I'm never sure one is exactly ready. You jump in, with both feet, into a very big fish pond.

Can I give them what they think they're going to get from me? That's always the big question.

I justified working so hard by knowing that I was helping to maintain the roof over our heads.

Some people regard discipline as a chore. For me, it is a kind of order that sets me free to fly.

For me, singing was always about the lyrics. I'm hopeless at singing songs that don't have a core.

I turned down 'The Prime of Miss Jean Brody' with Maggie Smith. I think she got the Academy Award.

The anateur works until they get something right. The professional works until they can't go wrong.

I grew up knowing only war, so for me, it was the way things were. It wasn't pleasant by any means.

If you're tearing around in a panic about something, then it puts everyone else in a panic as well.

My sense of the family history is somewhat sketchy, because my mother kept a great deal to herself.

I'm just honored that some of my little contributions I've written with my daughter are doing well.

Be a part of all that is decent and be an ambassador for the kind of world that you want to live in.

Programs that bring the arts to young kids are always the first to be cut. It's mind-boggling to me.

If the director says you can do better, particularly in a love scene, then it is rather embarrassing.

You never feel lonely if you're writing, because you're living with all these characters in your head.

I'm the lucky one who got asked to do 'The Sound of Music' and all the other lovely things that I did.

Feed the body food and drink, it will survive today. Feed the soul art and music, it will live forever.

If you just literally stand still for a while, listen and think, things will eventually get sorted out.

The old fairy tales are very, very violent, and these days I think we could do with a little less of it.

If you remain calm in the midst of great chaos, it is the surest guarantee the it will eventually subside

On the whole, I think women wear too much and are to fussy. You can't see the person for all the clutter.

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