To be brutally honest, when you win a title like Miss Universe, your entire life turns topsy-turvy for one year.

I like Shah Rukh for his wit, intelligence, grit and determination, and Akshay for the way he interacts with people.

I remember I was a dark horse at Miss Universe. No one saw Miss India coming from a mile and suddenly there she was!

I am still the same girl. The only difference that success has brought about is the love and affection of the people.

Simplicity is the strength of the film. It is an emotion-packed film with simple things knitted together beautifully.

I came from modelling industry so I am part of fashion industry. It is not that I hated being part of glamorous film.

Reading helps you to be knowledgeable. It also improvises your vocabulary. It's a very good habit, extremely essential.

Being in the profession of acting, I definitely have to be a people's person and socialise when it's an absolute necessity.

Being pregnant and carrying a child is a blessing unique to womankind and a mother instinctively wants the best for her child.

I think the Hindi film heroine is stereotypical. It is nice to have an opportunity to have that freedom to not to do that anymore.

I try to do justice to whatever roles I take up and it really doesn't bother me whether I am paired opposite a superstar or a newcomer.

Yoga has always been an integral part of my life style. The benefits I have reaped from a constant practice have been invaluable to me.

In any relationship, only if both partners bring in emotional, financial commitment and honesty in equal measure, can there be harmony.

I have always loved South Africa, where I shot 'Andaz' and 'No Entry.' Some of the biggest films of my career have been shot in Cape Town.

Most people think that action movies are difficult and comedies are easy, but it's actually the opposite. Comedy can be a lot of hard work too.

I think pageants like Miss Universe give young women a platform to follow the field we want, a platform to voice our opinions and make us stronger.

If there is a possibility within a film to have a song in the music score that adds a little bit of zing to the music album, then why not utilise it?

Comedy is one of the hardest genres. You can tell if it's working or not. If the director is convinced of the vision, you have to have faith in that.

Singh Is Bling' is a fun, entertaining film. I play a mad, geeky character called Imli. She has no sense of style. I am nothing like her in real life.

Skincare is integral to women's daily routine. They shouldn't have to compromise on what they use or the difference they see just because of the price.

It's important to get maximum nutrition in the mornings - that's very important. I eat healthy, nutritive stuff that is full of fibre and which fills me up.

I have been involved with theatre since I was 13. I never seriously thought I would get into movies though I had every intention of continuing with theatre.

While I love dancing and I am trained in certain forms, I can tell you that I dance better with my daughter because we dance like there is no one watching us.

I don't have any particular person who I look up to for fashion ideas. I just admire some women for the way they dress, such as Cate Blanchett and Audrey Hepburn.

Me and Akshay share a great timing and bond in real life and that comes alive on screen. Our scenes in 'Singh Is Bliing' are something which audience will enjoy a lot.

For years, ever since I was a model, I would be asked about what I did for my skin. So extending my own brand to include skincare seems almost organic to my progression.

I am a lot happier, focusing on the production side of things than wanting to be in front of the camera. If I am going to dance to someone else's tune, it might as well be my own.

There is no longer any pressure to play the heroine. So I can have fun and be the actor I want to be. I can look beyond the hairstyles and the clothes and concentrate on the acting.

At the end of the day we need to experiment and if we start being too cautious, we'll end up working with the same actors and doing the same roles. That's how people get stereotyped.

I've been my normal self during pregnancy. I want other women who get nervous and anxious to experience the same comfort as me and to not feel awkward about their weight or baby bump.

It is great to see Bollywood celebrities contributing to so many different trends in so many different ways. I think this is one of the reasons that people associate with Bollywood glamour.

As I got older, the requirements of my skin changed. I had access to premium-quality products and these were great brands with amazing research behind them, but they took care of some needs, not all.

It is a challenge to be a showstopper and not just a model walking down the ramp. Even if you are a celebrity, you have to do justice to the clothes you are wearing and the designer you are walking for.

Most of the time actresses are just left to play the actor's wife or girlfriend so there is not much to do. 'Chalo Dilli' was a refreshing change which was different and that's why I decided to work in it.

I am completely at my wits' end if I am unable to practice yoga for a few days at a stretch! Once you get into the flow it's difficult to leave it, precisely because of the way it affects your energy levels.

Winning a pageant or sometimes simply participating in a contest can change your life. Outer beauty is just a part of the judgement, but what's important are your views and opinions that are shown to the world.

As a woman, it is so tough to grow your business. People are ready to hear all your creative inputs, but the minute you start talking about numbers and statistics, they look over your shoulder to see whether you have a man backing you up or not.

Motherhood takes vanity completely out of the picture. Comfort is the key. When you are coming out of a plane after a 9-hour flight with drool all over your clothes, the last thing you are worried about is being photographed. You just want to take your kid home.

When in a movie like 'Housefull' you have to create comedy out of falling on a glass table or jumping from huge heights, it's all action, but packaged as comedy. Here you don't just have to perform a heavy-duty action sequence, but you have to make it look funny and that is really difficult. But it's fun... and I really enjoy it.

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