Prove that you understand the worth of time by employing it well.

…marriage, they say, halves one's rights and doubles one's duties.

Resolved to take fate by the throat and shake a living out of her.

I do like men who come out frankly and own that they are not gods.

I can get on with wild beasts first-rate; but men rile me awfully.

I don't worry about the storms, I am learning to sail my own ship.

Good, old-fashioned ways keep hearts sweet, heads sane, hands busy.

Girls could do most things as well as boys, and some things better.

…it is so much better to work for others than for one's self alone.

I'm afraid I couldn't like him without a spice of human naughtiness.

To marry without love betrays as surely as to love without marriage.

Work is and always has been my salvation and I thank the Lord for it.

Rule yourself. Love your neighbor. Do the duty that lies nearest you.

My father taught in the wise way which unfolds what lies in the child

Some books are so familiar that reading them is like being home again.

Do the things you know, and you shall learn the truth you need to know.

I'm perfectly miserable; but if you consider me presentable, I die happy.

Head, you may think; heart, you may feel; But hand, you shall work alway!

…she rejoiced as only mothers can in the good fortunes of their children.

When we make little sacrifices we like to have them appreciated, at least.

You don’t need scores of suitors. You need only one… if he’s the right one.

…in silence learned the sweet solace which affection administers to sorrow.

Life is my university, and I hope to graduate from it with some distinction.

Salt is like good-humor, and nearly every thing is better for a pinch of it.

Fame is a very good thing to have in the house, but cash is more convenient.

…proved that woman isn't a half but a whole human being, and can stand alone.

Poor dull Concord. Nothing colorful has come through here since the Redcoats.

Conceit spoils the finest genius?and the great charm of all power is modesty.

What do girls do who haven't any mothers to help them through their troubles?

Preserve your memories, keep them well, what you forget you can never retell.

I love my liberty too well to be in a hurry to give it up for any mortal man.

…that's what old people are here for, — else their experience is of little use.

If life is often so hard as this, I don't see how we ever shall get through it.

We'll all grow up someday, Meg, we might as well know what we want. ~Amy March~

it was easier to do a friendly thing than it was to stay and be thanked for it.

Now I'm beginning to live a little and feel less like a sick oyster at low tide.

People want to be amused, not preached at, you know. Morals don't sell nowadays.

Cast your bread upon the waters, and after many days it will come back buttered.

Nothing provokes speculation more than the sight of a woman enjoying herself." -

A kiss for a blow is always best, though it's not very easy to give it sometimes.

It takes three or four women to get each man into, through, and out of the world.

...for a girl with eyes like hers has a will and is not ruled by anyone but a lover.

It’s amazing how lovely common things become, if one only knows how to look at them.

The power of finding beauty in the humblest things makes home happy and life lovely.

I'm tired of praise; and love is very sweet, when it is simple and sincere like this.

I don't think secrets agree with me, I feel rumpled up in mind since you told me that.

Six weeks is a long time to wait, and a still longer time for a girl to keep a secret.

No woman should give her happiness into the keeping of a man without fixed principles.

Good books, like good friends, are few and chosen; the more select, the more enjoyable.

I think this power of living in our children is one of the sweetest things in the world.

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