Curtis Le May wants to bomb Hanoi and Haiphong. You know how he likes to go around bombing.

I am a compromiser and maneuverer. I try to get something. That's the way our system works.

There are no problems we cannot solve together, and very few that we can solve by ourselves.

There are no favorites in my office. I treat them all with the same general inconsideration.

We must open the doors of opportunity. We must equip our people to walk through those doors.

I believe the destiny of your generation - and your nation - is a rendezvous with excellence.

We come to reason, not to dominate. We do not seek to have our way, but to find a common way.

The future holds little hope for any government where the present holds no hope for the people.

Doing the right thing is not the problem. Knowing what the right thing is, that's the challenge.

All that Hubert needs over there is a gal to answer the phone and a pencil with an eraser on it.

No member of our generation who wasn't a Communist or a dropout in the thirties is worth a damn.

You never want to give a man a present when he's feeling good. You want to do it when he's down.

We believe, that is, you and I, that education is not an expense. We believe it is an investment.

If there is one word that describes our form of society in America, it may be the word-voluntary.

It is a truism that education is no longer a luxury. Education in this day and age is a necessity.

The thing I would like to do most is to find somehow to bring peace to the world. It has eluded me.

When I was a boy we didn't wake up with Vietnam and have Cyprus for lunch and the Congo for dinner.

We live in a world that has narrowed into a neighborhood before it has broadened into a brotherhood.

There is no issue of States' rights or National rights. There is only the struggle for human rights.

I am proud to be a member of a party that opens its doors to all men--and closes its hearts to none.

Every man should know that his conversations, his correspondence, and his personal life are private.

Light at the end of the tunnel? We don't even have a tunnel; we don't even know where the tunnel is.

It's the price of leadership to do the thing you believe has to be done at the time it must be done.

I believe that the country weekly acts as a form of social cement in holding the community together.

Every man of any education would rather be called a rascal, than accused of deficiency in the graces.

We must open the doors of opportunity. But we must also equip our people to walk through those doors.

I will not seek, and I will not accept the nomination of my party for another term as your president.

Boys, it is just like the Alamo. Somebody should have by God helped those Texans. I'm going to Vietnam.

If government is to serve any purpose it is to do for others what they are unable to do for themselves.

Whoever won't fight when the President calls him, deserves to be kicked back in his hole and kept there.

I want real loyalty. I want someone who will kiss my ass in Macy's window, and say it smells like roses.

Education will not cure all the problems of society, but without it no cure for any problem is possible.

Any man who's not willing to take half a loaf in a negotiation, well, that man never went to bed hungry.

Lincoln was right about not fooling all the people all the time. But Republicans haven't given up trying.

Law is the great civilizing machinery. It liberates the desire to build and subdues the desire to destroy.

Peace does not come just because we wish for it. Peace must be fought for. It must be built stone by stone.

This is not Johnson's war. This is America's war. If I drop dead tomorrow, this war will still be with you.

It may be, it just may be, that life as we know it with its humanity is more unique than many have thought.

He's got great vision. If he can get outside, he can take it all the way. That's what we were worried about.

The exercise of power in this century has meant for all of us in the United States not arrogance, but agony.

The Great Society is a place where every child can find knowledge to enrich his mind and enlarge his talents.

Being president is like being a jackass in a hailstorm. There's nothing to do but to stand there and take it.

If we quit Vietnam, tomorrow we'll be fighting in Hawaii, and next week we'll have to fight in San Francisco.

Just like the Alamo, somebody damn well needed to go to their aid. Well, by God, I'm going to Viet Nam's aid!

In a nation of millions and a world of billions, the individual is still the first and basic agent of change.

So here is the Great Society. It's the time - and it's going to be soon - when nobody in this country is poor.

I wake up 5 a.m. some mornings and hear the planes coming in at National Airport and I think they are bombing me.

We Americans know - although others appear to forget - the risk of spreading conflict. We still seek no wider war.

The Organization of American States couldn't pour piss out of a boot if the instructions were written on the heel.

Our understanding of how to live with one another is still far behind our knowledge of how to destroy one another.

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