America in its entirety is segregationist and is racist. It's more camouflaged in the north, but it's the same thing.

You don't do anything to further your stay aboard a ship that you see is going to go down to the bottom of the ocean.

America is such a paradoxical society, hypocritically paradoxical, that if you don't have some humor, you'll crack up.

A new world order is in the making, and it is up to us to prepare ourselves that we may take our rightful place in it.

The Negro was taught to speak the white man's tongue, worship the white God, and accept the white man as his superior.

I go for Mao Tse-tung much more than, than Nehru because I think that Nehru brought his country up in a beggar's role.

You're not supposed to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who says it.

Most of these other negro leaders who are supposedly integrationists aren't that intelligent [like Reverend Galamison].

I might say this, that the problem of the, the solution for the Afro-American is two-fold - long-range and short-range.

The young whites, and blacks, too, are the only hope that America has, the rest of us have always been living in a lie.

Revolution is based on land. Land is the basis of all independence. Land is the basis of freedom, justice, and equality.

As I say, if we bring up religion we'll have differences; we'll have arguments; and we'll never be able to get together.

There is nothing in our book, the Koran, that teaches us to suffer peacefully. Our religion teaches us to be intelligent.

The main part of the tree is the root, and the root is always beneath the ground. It never is brought out into the light.

Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery.

To me, the thing that is worse than death is betrayal. You see, I could conceive death, but I could not conceive betrayal.

The zionist argument to justify Israel's present occupation of Arab Palestine has no intelligent or legal basis in history.

You spend so much time barking up the civil-rights tree, you don't even know there's a human-rights tree on the same floor.

Better jobs and housing are only temporary solutions. They are aspects of tokenism and don't go to the heart of the problem.

Muhammad teaches us the knowledge of our own selves, and of our own people. He cleans us up-morally, mentally and spiritually

Concerning non-violence: it is criminal to teach a man not to defend himself when he is the constant victim of brutal attacks.

Any form of integration, forced integration, any - any - any effort to force integration upon whites is actually hypocritical.

All I held against Jews was that so many Jews actually were hypocrites in their claim to be friends of the American black man.

What Martin Luther King is doing is disarming the black people of America of their God-given right and of their natural right.

Like Samson, I am ready to pull down the white man's temple, knowing full well that I will be destroyed by the falling rubble.

The separating of a section of America for Afro- Americans is similar to expecting a heaven in the sky somewhere after you die.

Solve the race problem here, and once you solve the race problem here, you don't have to send these billions of dollars abroad.

I don't think that the objective of the American negro is white middle-class values because what are white middle-class values?

...the collective white man had acted like a devil in virtually every contact he had with the world's collective non-white man.

That's where Dr. [Martin Luther] King is mixed up. His goals should be the solution of the problem of the black man in America.

I don't have any hate. I've got some sense. I'm not going to let anybody who hates me tell me to love him. I'm not that way-out.

I think that if Essien Udom had something he didn't take it back far enough in history to get at the proper understanding of it.

Always that "if" was there, which meant that the one who was doomed could avoid the doom if he would change his way of behaving.

In this country, these Negro leaders have Negroes sittin' - sitting down, thinking that that - there's dignity towards sitting in.

When you want a nation, that's called nationalism... Black nationalism. A revolutionary is a Black nationalist. He wants a nation.

The goal - is the dignity of the black man in America. He wants respect as the human being. He wants recognition as a human being.

Either you are a citizen or you are not a citizen at all. If you are citizen, you are free; if youre not a citizen you are a slave.

You don't have a peaceful revolution. You don't have a turn-the-cheek revolution. There's no such thing as a nonviolent revolution.

They [prisons] are not designed to rehabilitate the - the inmate, though the, the public propaganda is that this is their function.

When you aren't affiliated with anything, and then you look at something, you look at it with your eye to the best of your ability.

The only way the two can have equal job opportunities is if black people have factories as, as well as white people have factories.

The problem [ of the twenty-two million Afro-Americans] is so broad that it's going to take the inner working of all organizations.

Brothers and sisters, friends and enemies: I just can't believe everyone in here is a friend, and I don't want to leave anybody out.

I am for violence if non-violence means we continue postponing a solution to the American black man's problem just to avoid violence.

In America you have the mouse now trying to sit down on the elephant, thinking that he's going somewhere. And it's - and it's absurd.

It is only after the deepest darkness that the greatest light can come; it is only after extreme grief that the greatest joy can come.

You get your freedom by letting your enemy know that you'll do anything to get it. Then you'll get it. It's the only way you'll get it.

The Negro revolution is controlled by foxy white liberals, by the Government itself. But the Black Revolution is controlled only by God.

Whenever any group can vote in a bloc, and decide the outcome of elections, and it fails to do this, then that group is politically sick.

Any way, any form necessary to defend himself; Negro should reserve the right to do that just the same as others have the right to do it.

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