I hate all children of precocious talent.

Philosophy is the true mother of science.

They condemn what they do not understand.

He is rich who wishes no more than he has.

The best interpreter of the law is custom.

Friends, though absent, are still present.

To-morrow will give some food for thought.

Victory is by nature insolent and haughty.

We all are imbued with the love of praise.

An ancient custom obtains force of nature.

Vivere est cogitare. (To think is to live)

It is better to receive than to do injury.

An unjust peace is better than a just war.

Let war yield to peace, laurels to paeans.

A community is like the ones who govern it.

All things tend to corrupt perverted minds.

The great theatre for virtue is conscience.

Thou shouldst eat to live; not live to eat.

The good of the people is the greatest law.

Our minds are rendered buoyant by exercise.

For the laws are dumb in the midst of arms.

Let each man have according to his deserts.

Judge not by the number, but by the weight.

Superstition is an unreasoning fear of God.

While the sick man has life, there is hope.

Ye immortal gods! where in the world are we?

A home without books is a body without soul.

There is no place more delightful than home.

Nothing is difficult in the eyes of a lover.

It is our own evil thoughts which madden us.

What is permissible is not always honorable.

Not in opinion but in nature is law founded.

To live long it is necessary to live slowly.

Politicians are not born; they are excreted.

What an ugly beast the ape, and how like us.

The whole of virtue consists in its practice.

What is thine is mine, and all mine is thine.

I prefer silent prudence to loquacious folly.

Nothing is more disgraceful than insincerity.

Our liberality should not exceed our ability.

Pleasant is the recollection of dangers past.

Freedom is a possession of inestimable value.

Justice is the crowning glory of the virtues.

No grief is so acute but time ameliorates it.

Friendship is infinitely better than kindness.

The whole glory of virtue resides in activity.

Glory follows virtue as if it were its shadow.

Tomorrow will give us something to think about

Man's life is ruled by fortune, not by wisdom.

There is no thing which God cannot accomplish.

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