I can't please everyone. That's not in my J.D., you know, not in my job description.

I'm just a very tough person when I go on the court, and I really don't want to lose.

If I can create something that allows a woman to feel better - that is the true reward.

I think when you have surgery on any part of your body, it's never going to be the same.

I was very disappointed (at the U.S. Open), and I went out there and I worked really hard.

When you're going through tough moments, you never know when you're going to have good moments.

Maybe if I was British, a semi-final would be incredible. I'd be on the front page of the paper.

Sugar free? With the name Sugarpova I don't think I will be doing anything sugar free very soon.

I don't spend a lot of my time in the locker room. That's my least favourite place in the world.

Music is a part of my life all the time - on the plane, before matches, driving out to the court.

When I walk through that gate to the court, that's my escape. I block out everything, good and bad.

I personally love Jennifer Lawrence. She's an amazing actress, but so young and fresh and youthful.

I love what I do and I love being an athlete, but I also love all the things that have come with it.

There are so many roads you can take that will lead you the wrong way, that nobody will hear your name.

I'm just like every other girl who likes to shop, likes to look good, likes to spend time with friends.

It's pretty hard being a tennis player and Mother Theresa at the same time and that's just the way it is.

Whether you win a match or lose a match, in terms of your emotions, it's important to be pretty levelheaded.

I'm always that annoying person that pulls out the camera in the middle of dinner and starts taking candids.

I'd probably start charging for medical timeouts. I think we'd all see who really uses them and who doesn't.

My main goal is to stay healthy because when you're injured you realise how lucky you are to have your health.

I think when you know what you are going to wear, it fits and it's great material, then you feel confident in it.

There's not many firsts in my career, as I have been a part of many tournaments and fortunate enough to win many.

Since I was young, the artistic expression that fashion embodies has inspired me. It's a way to communicate oneself.

Through my travels, I find inspiration in street style and how young women create their individual looks and identity.

I find a lot of inspiration in street style and watching women walk, the way they wear things and what they're wearing.

Within a few years the name 'Maria Sharapova' will be a brand as universally recognized as Calvin Klein, BMW and Rolex.

You have your bad moments in your career and your good moments. And it's been a good ride so far, but it's not over yet.

Sometimes when you're putting the work in it just seems so, so hard, and you never know when that work's going to pay off.

I'm always on the go. I love doing things until I hit rock bottom. Then I need my 12 hours of sleep, and I'm on the go again.

If I loved a guy as much as I love my dog, the guy would be in serious trouble because I'm all over that dog, all of the time.

My parents had a normal life in Russia and they could have easily kept living a normal life, working and raising a child in Russia.

I can't say I don't like acting, but I can't imagine a career when I have to spend 70 percent of my time in a trailer eating Snickers bars.

I'm 17 years old and there are many great things ahead. If I don't win the U.S. Open this year, it's not going to be a disaster in my life.

I mean, I think I'm doing a lot better than other people that have had shoulder surgery in their careers. Some people have never come back.

This decision will only strengthen the bond between women players and one of the world's great sporting events [on equal prize money at Wimbledon

When I need to push myself, I think of all those nicely polished trophies waiting to be lifted up by the winner - and how that winner might be me.

When you start from nothing, when you come from nothing, it makes you hungry. I am proud of where I came from and I know what I want. I want to win.

It's easy to impress me. I don't need a fancy party to be happy. Just good friends, good food, and good laughs. I'm happy. I'm satisfied. I'm content.

I have a very big sweet tooth and I love treating myself to something that I wouldn't necessarily eat during the tournament such as a nice-sized cake.

I have always had an interest in fashion and design and I appreciate style and timelessness within my footwear and accessories both on and off the court

I have always had an interest in fashion and design and I appreciate style and timelessness within my footwear and accessories both on and off the court.

Those are real hard fans. There are a lot of them here. Some are a little bit crazy with their drinking their beers every once in a while. But I love it.

I'm not a huge gym person, so I try to stay away from the gym. But I love to run on the beach or go for a walk. It's better than riding a stationary bike.

To be honest, everything in my life outside of tennis is great. I'm doing amazing projects that, if I didn't have time off, I wouldn't be able to focus on.

If you're able to help some people and make them smile and make them realize that life is good, then that's worth so much more than buying a pair of shoes.

I always have a Sharpie, because usually when someone asks me for an autograph, they don't have a pen. I carry one in my purse, as well as in my tennis bag.

I don't need many things. I don't need glamour and attention to be happy. I'm very happy being settled and working my butt off and trying to win grand slams.

When I'm down or maybe when it's close in the match, I feel like I'm still in it. I don't feel like I'm letting down. Mentally, I'm still really, really tough.

I love getting consumer reports. I think it's one of my favourite things, studying what people have to say about the product and then trying to make it better.

I try not to hit a swing volley and run back. So my swing volley is kind of that transition to the net. It's been one of my favorite shots ever since I was young.

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