Creativity has got to be the warp and woof, the heart and soul, of our sermons.

When we see death, we see disaster. When Jesus sees death, he sees deliverance!

There's an antidote to our fears- trust. If we trust God more,we can fear less.

The purpose of the Bible is simply to proclaim God's plan to save His children.

Waiting is a sustained effort to stay focused on God through prayer and belief.

Those who successfully go through tough times do so because they keep insisting.

I've never been surprised by God's judgment, but I'm still stunned by His grace.

Gratitude is a dialysis of sorts... it flushes the self-pity out of our systems.

Scripture often reminds us that it's not enough to have ears - we must use them.

It seems to me that election season is just a Petri dish for anger and cynicism.

People are watching the way we act, more than they are listening to what we say.

My parents, they were good, godly people, but they never said, You need to write.

Jesus will press his thumb against the cheek of humanity and wipe away all tears.

We just need the government to be that greenhouse that permits our faith to grow.

We refuse to believe that this present world is the sum total of human existence.

Feed your fears and your faith will starve. Feed your faith, and your fears will.

Staying engaged with God is absolutely essential for getting through a tough time.

The worst part of all is that, without forgiveness, bitterness is all that is left

Democracy is the right choice and is the greatest form of government ever created.

Every other religion is a salvation by self, Christianity is a salvation by Christ.

The book, Max on Life, is really kind of a second chance to answer these questions.

Most of my sermons are inspirational, and I believe people need that encouragement.

You're special-not because of what you have. You're special because of who you are.

God has a timeline. And because of Bethlehem, we have an idea where we stand on it.

The manger dares us to believe the best is yet to be. And it could all begin today.

Just as your earthly house is a place of refuge, so God's house is a place of peace.

Prayer is the hand of faith on the door knob of your heart, inviting Jesus to enter.

I really believe the purpose of Scripture is to give us this authoritative handbook.

I don't know how to answer the problem of deep pain without a deep hope in eternity.

God gives us people to love and things to use, not things to love and people to use.

As long as you are stationary, no one will complain. Dogs don't bark at parked cars.

The pulpit is no place for self-promotion. It is a great place for self-deprecation.

Real courage embraces the twin realities of current difficulty and ultimate triumph.

The great promise of Scripture is that every day is a day that's worth rejoicing in.

Jesus came to save us, not just from politics, enemies, challenges, or difficulties.

My conversations with Trump supporters have left me with more questions than answers.

Anxiety and fear are cousins but not twins. Fear sees a threat. Anxiety imagines one.

You are God's child. His creation. Destined for heaven. You are a part of his family.

God is God. He knows what he is doing. When you can’t trace his hand, trust his heart.

I try to be honest; I really do try not to exaggerate the story. I try to be accurate.

Filter your pain through the brevity of this life and the unending beauty of the next.

Grace is the voice that calls us to change and then gives us the power to pull it off.

All of my books began as sermons, so really the heart of the message is still the same.

What if you woke up this morning and had only the things you thanked God for yesterday?

Thats usually what I gravitate to, I read The Perfect Storm, then I read Into Thin Air .

God has proven himself as a faithful father. Now it falls to us to be trusting children.

Stay strong! Your test will become your test-imony, your mess will become your mess-age.

Aren't you glad that God doesn't give you only that which you remember to thank him for?

Are you weary? Catch your breath. Are you strong? Reserve passing judgment on the tired.

When grace happens, generosity happens. Unsquashable, eyepopping bigheartedness happens.

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