The only place I am recognized all the time is in L.A. and otherwise, it's only about once a day. I feel pretty anonymous.

Normally I can't watch myself at all, and watching myself makes me cringe, and I cover my face, and it's very hard to watch.

The fact that audiences have come away moved, excited, entertained and stimulated by the film is extraordinarily flattering.

Ninety per cent of how you learn is watching great people. When you are surrounded by good actors it lifts your performance.

I think that we, women, are so often defined by who our husbands are and what our husbands do. And it's time for that to end.

I think it's about having a competent president, and I don't really think gender has to do with how Hillary Clinton will lead.

I really want to get the word out to people to register because of course, the more people vote, the more our democracy works.

Love is very much perceived as "I couldn't control myself; it's love." But you can. Everything you do in response is a choice.

But I love you I'm totally and completely in love with you and I don't care if you think it's too late. I'm telling you anyway.

I honestly don't even really want to think about it [if Donald Trump wins]; I'd rather focus on how wonderful Hillary Clinton is.

If you read, your book is kind of your friend, because it's like the book is telling you its story and you're being the listener.

I am more a teenager than anyone else I know. One minute I feel really adult and the next minute I say, 'Let's play hide-and-seek.'

I don't want to sound superficial, but when I go see a movie myself, I'd rather look at Tom Cruise than some shmo with a beer belly

I always ask myself, would I want someone to do something that wasn't comfortable for them just to please me? And the answer is no.

It really wasn't my thing. It still isn't my thing, the whole science-fiction action thing. I prefer simpler, character-based movies.

Our generation has the ability and the responsibility to make our ever-more connected world a more hopeful, stable and peaceful place.

I think all girls in the world wish they were a Parisian girl - that sort of effortless chic confidence and comfort in their own skin.

I think the press is doing a wonderful job of putting the pressure on the decision-makers in Hollywood to support more female directors.

It's horrible to be a sex object at any age, but at least when you're an adult you can make the decision if you want to degrade yourself.

Your relationship with your husband should be an important part of your private life, but publicly you should be able to define yourself.

One of the most exiting things about being pregnant is that I just am accepting the complete unknown; it's a complete mystery and miracle.

If I had known my own limitations, I never would have taken the risk, and the risk led to one my greatest artistic and personal experiences.

I've wanted to be an astronaut, a doctor, a vet - these are things I've said in interviews. Before that, I wanted to be a mermaid and a fairy.

I like acting for now. But after seeing Apollo 13, what I really want to do is to be an astronaut. I'm dying to go to a space camp next summer!

I'd say I got three or four offers for films that had female directors, so in my career I haven't had that opportunity before. That's exciting.

I'm just upset that we've been distracted by so much noise and vulgarity when we could be trying to talk about how our country can get stronger.

I don't think I've ever been in love, I'm sure I will be some day. I've had enormous crushes, although I've never been into the Brad Pitt thing.

Basically I have, like, five really close friends - girls and guys. I like being friends with both because you can do different things with both.

I grew up in the classic American-Jewish suburbia, which has a whole different sense of what it means to be Jewish than anywhere else in the world.

I always think the most romantic books or films are the ones where the romance doesn't happen, because it makes your heart ache so much watching it.

The good news is we have the technology and the tools to alleviate poverty on a global scale. All that is standing in our way is education and will.

I think mainly it's an optics thing: to be able to visualize a woman in a position of power. It's going to be wonderful for all of us in every field.

My response was that more than half of Israelis are of Sephardic origin. Many of these Jews come from Arab lands and share the same physical skin color.

Cute is when a person's personality shines through their looks. Like in the way they walk, every time you see them you just want to run up and hug them.

It doesn't matter if you mean to do the right thing - if you only do bad things. You need to learn how to do right things. Doing is what affects people.

If you're listening to music, then the music is your friend; or if you're with a person, then that person can be your friend because you're communicating.

I love milk so much! I make a point of drinking a glass of milk every day. So now anyone who did those milk ads with the milk mustaches, they're my heroes.

You can tell when someone likes you just because you're in a movie, because all they talk about is the movie, and all they talk about is the movie business.

Girls have girl/guy relationships because we are expected to be so emotional and sensitive and stuff, and sometimes you just don't feel like being that way.

When you get older, you realize it's a lot less about your place in the world but your place in you. It's not how everyone views you, but how you view yourself

I was really excited to get to shave my head - it's something I'd wanted to do for a while and now I had a good excuse. It was nice to shed that level of vanity.

I was definitely different from the other kids... I was more ambitious. I knew what I liked and what I wanted, and I worked really hard. I was a very serious kid.

I have nice ears. I have no lobes, which was disappointing for a while, but I've gotten over it and learned to love them. Being lobeless isn't the end of the world

My mom devotes so much of her time toward me. She's an artist, and my father is a doctor. I've been brought up in what you might call a pretty conventional family.

I think losing a child is unimaginable. It's every person's worst nightmare. It's unimaginably difficult. It shakes your faith in the world. It tests your optimism.

Sometimes people say something to you and you're like, "I respect you so much, I love what you do, but I disagree. I don't think that's right for the way I see it."

I don't know if acting is what I want to do for the rest of my life, it's just what I've, you know, ended up doing when I was little, and I've kinda grown up with it.

I had danced when I was younger, until I was about 12, and I always idealized it, as most young girls do, as the most beautiful art. It's an expression without words.

I'm with my friends more than I'm with my parents, but I know more about my parents than I know about my friends. That's something you get out of living with a person.

You see the amount of bullying and negativity that goes on [social media] that is really, really intense, and I feel lucky that I came of age before all of that came on.

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