I wouldn't want to be married to me, but luckily Tom Cruise does.

I never knew I'd be in a musical, let alone win an award for one.

I just have a desire not to judge and view things compassionately.

I don't like changing with the wind; I like sticking to my own self.

The power of work, and the power of creativity can be your salvation.

I’m always interested in films that are about extreme subject matters.

Having your work be the basis of fame, that's a far more stable feeling.

I would rather be tough on myself than have other people be tough on me.

I like bold directors. I like directors that go against the norm in a way.

I believe the experiences of life are more important than any film you make.

With every character, you alter, you can’t be attached to your own identity.

I have a different approach. I don't file lawsuits because I really don't care.

I'm not sure what the future holds but I do know that I'm going to be positive.

You have to operate from the sense of everything is new and you're starting again.

Dealing with these emotions as an actress is like being a boxer put into the ring.

Someone has to die in order that the rest of should value life more. It's contrast.

I think we do need radicals. We need extremists, because that's how change happens.

When you relinquish the desire to control your future, you can have more happiness.

I'm now so much more capable of receiving love and giving it in a far different way.

LIfe has got all those twists and turns. You've got to hold on tight and off you go.

I'm very much an admirer of people who are reaching for things and trying to survive.

The things that go on in my head are far more interesting than what actually happens.

I didn't really care about my physical health; I only cared about what was on screen.

If I were a strategically minded person, I think I would have a far different career.

Salary stories are intrusive. Do you ask your neighbour what they earn for their job?

I'm interested in storytelling. I love being an artist now and connecting through art.

The thing you hate about yourself tends to be the thing that everyone likes about you.

I've always been interested in our flaws as human beings, just as much as the virtues.

I believe in continuing to put love and kindness and compassion and art into the world.

It was very natural for me to want to disappear into the theatre, I am really very shy.

Refuse to let your circumstances make you bitter. Do what you must to make them better.

You have to love, without judgment, every actor that you're working with to make beauty.

I just feel my way through. If I had to give an acting class, I wouldn't know what to do.

I find trying to solve problems and save lives is far more important than my film career.

Forget the past. You can never predict what the future is going to be. Live for the moment.

It's good to have a little distance. If you discuss your love too much, it just damages it.

I'm not saying it's for everyone, but it's better to be alone than in a lousy relationship.

I wear sunscreen, and I don't smoke. I take care of myself. And I'm very proud to say that.

The reality of one night, let alone that of a whole lifetime, can never be the whole truth.

I love storytelling. I love stories, and I love the way in which we connect through stories.

I did try Botox, unfortunately, but I got out of it and now I can finally move my face again.

It's my job as an actor to commit to the role and not - through my own inhibitions - run away.

I have a passion for my work, and that can seep into you. It's almost as if you're drawn to it.

I was told I had a two per cent chance of getting pregnant, so I say she's a two per cent baby.

The thing I'm not good with is mediocrity, when someone isn't really trying to reach something.

I look for roles that show women as independent, informed, and free to make their own decisions.

As an actor timing is important, especially as a mother with small children, so a lot is chance.

My life collapsed. People ran from me because suddenly it was 'Oh my God! It's over for her now!'

I think if you have someone to love and someone who loves you, that's the greatest beauty secret.

I'm especially interested in helping to give visibility to the pandemic of violence against women

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