Divinity cannot be perceived through your brain, unless and until this light of your spirit shines into it.

When you know yourself you are surprised that what is the greatest thing for you is to love and to be loved.

If you know how to get fun out of the so-called discomforts, then you should know you are on the right lines.

One should be prepared to surrender completely, absolutely to the will of God. Whatever He does is for our good.

True and lasting solution to correct ills can be found only by inner, collective transformation of human beings.

If you have love, you can correct people without saying anything to them because love is a supreme intelligence.

Without satisfaction, you cannot have compassion. You have to be satisfied souls, then your compassion will act.

As a mother would see her child, you should see the whole world as a beautiful place that God has created for you.

Once you start growing in your self-realization, you develop such a personality that you see the whole world as one.

When you are realized, you can start feeling your own chakras and the chakras of other people. This is enlightenment.

This is also the age of science and technology in which human beings have progressed beyond the stage of blind faith.

Attention has to be concentrated upon your Spirit. Then you become the best instrument, your attention very powerful.

The truth is that you are the instrument of God, that you have to become one with God, that you have to be born again.

We must understand that our education now is going to be sincerity, to speak from your own heart and not from outside.

Everything is illusion, except for the Divine Love of God that is all-pervading which you can feel through your Spirit.

Surrendering means cleansing yourself completely, getting completely detached. Detachment is the only way you can rise.

Love should have no fear. It should have just free love, without any fear, without any aggression; enjoy that pure love.

We are on this earth to become the Spirit, to be a channel of God's love and above all, to enter into the Kingdom of God.

Innately within us, resides the Spirit which wants to enlighten you, to give the peace, the bliss and the joy of our being.

Truth is in your sahasrara. And when the truth comes in, you are surprised that truth is love and love is truth, pure love.

So the first thing in democracy, people must have satisfaction. If you don't have satisfaction, it's not going to work out.

Spirit is the source of peace. It is the source of joy. It is not a duality of happiness and unhappiness, but singular joy.

Enlightenment of your brain means the limited capacity of your brain has to become unlimited in its capacity to realize God.

Real democracy is only possible when people truly imbibe democratic principles and respect ethical values above everything else.

And for ego, to accept that you have ego is the only way and then it will drop out. If you know there is ego, ego will drop out.

Accept only the truth and the truth will give you that power to be the real instrument, to carry this channel, that force of love.

Kundalini is your Mother. She has been with you for ages and She has been waiting for this day when you could get your Realization.

In modern times, what impresses one is not a simple and unassuming statement of the truth, but superficial showmanship and display.

If possible, try to talk good about others, always. By telling good about another person, you will help yourself and another person.

What do we have to achieve? Not your position, not your wealth, not all these outward things, but you have to achieve a loving heart.

The beauty of self realization lies in secretly working out within you everything that is virtuous, that is beautiful, that is joyful.

The reality of en-masse inner transformation of human beings by self-realisation is the most revolutionary discovery of the present age.

If your body wants comfort, you try to make it learn to give up that. Try to make your body your slave and not you the slave of the body.

Kundalini cures you, she improves you, she bestows all the blissful things upon you. She takes you away from the worries of grosser level.

Within us lies the peace, the beauty, the glory of our being. There is an ocean of all that. We cannot seek it outside, we have to go within.

In emotions you should be bubbling with joy. Joy is your emotion. In action you should be thoughtless and in ascent you should be surrendered.

Sahaja Yoga is a very subtle happening within us. It's a very subtle happening. And this subtler happening gives you sensitivity to divine joy.

There is no need to condemn yourself in any way, or to elate yourself, but just be your Spirit. The best way to be with your Spirit is to forgive.

That's the quality of the Spirit that you start feeling so joyous and the joy doesn't have the duality of happiness and unhappiness. It's singular.

Now the stage today is to know that Self Realization gives you experiences and then your faith is established. Not blind but open enlightened faith.

Wisdom means that it gives you detachment, detachment from all that is selfishness, self-centredness, self-obsession, ego - all connected with self.

We have to awaken ourselves into that new awareness by which we can know the absolute truth and we can know that Divine power which is surrounding us.

An innocent person is really like a magnet and it attracts, he attracts, the people towards himself, just like a flower attracts a bee towards itself.

What you have to do as soon as you know about somebody, then you have to think what goodness he has got, how can I imbibe that goodness within myself?

This all-pervading divine power of love is the ocean of knowledge, is the ocean of bliss and compassion, but above all it is the ocean of forgiveness.

You should have only one intense desire within yourself: Have I become the spirit? Have I achieved my ultimate? Have I risen above the worldly desires?

Your innocence itself is a power and your innocence will definitely give you that wisdom by which you can solve all the problems without any difficulty.

First of all, learn to laugh at yourself. That's the best way to enjoy yourself, you know, and not to spend much time in the mirror, that's another way.

..the self-knowledge that I am talking about is concrete, verifiable and is tangible like science itself and completely understandable in rational terms.

The mind creates all the problems for an individual or for the collective. One has to go beyond the mind into thoughtless awareness, where there is peace.

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