Great hatred can be concealed in the countenance, and much in a kiss.

Conversation is the image of the mind. As the man is, so is his talk.

You must endure, and not cry out against that which cannot be avoided.

Avarice is as destitute of what it has, as poverty of what it has not.

We tolerate without rebuke the vices with which we have grown familiar.

No fortune is so good but that you may find something to grumble about.

Adversity shows whether we have friends, or only the shadows of friends.

He is the furthest from danger, who is on his guard even when in safety.

He is twice a conqueror, who can restrain himself in the hour of triumph.

Unless you make allowances for your friends foibles, you betray your own.

Anger would inflict punishment on another; meanwhile, it tortures itself.

Fortune is like glass - the brighter the glitter, the more easily broken.

Man's life is short; and therefore an honorable death is his immortality.

It is a bitter dose to be taught obedience after you have learned to rule.

A kindness spontaneously offered to him who needs it, is doubly gratifying.

Death is fortunate for the child, bitter to the youth, too late to the old.

There is no fortune so good that you can find nothing in it to complain of.

When you confer a benefit on those worthy of it, you confer a favor on all.

To become rich is easy. Much harder is to solve the riddles of of the heart.

There is no gain so certain as that which arises from sparing what you have.

It a wretched thing to suffer at the hand of one of whom we cannot complain.

The circumstances of others seem good to us, while ours seem good to others.

To have the universe bear one company would be a great consolation in death.

He who gets the better of an irascible temperament conquers his worst enemy.

We must give lengthy deliberation to what has to be decided once and for all.

When the bad imitate the good, there is no knowing what mischief is intended.

You are in a pitiable condition if you have to conceal what you wish to tell.

Count not him among your friends who will retail your privacies to the world.

Let your life be pleasing to the multitude, and it can not be so to yourself.

No hour brings good fortune to one man without bringing misfortune to another.

The eyes see not what is before them when the mind is intent on other matters.

One is not exposed to danger who, even when in safety is always on their guard.

Fortune, by being too lavish of her favours on a man, only makes a fool of him.

The person who receives the most favors is the one who knows how to return them.

The happy man is not he who seems thus to others, but who seems thus to himself.

When you are in love you are not wise; or, when you are wise you are not in love.

That should be regarded as a loss, which is won at the expense of our reputation.

It is easy to defend the innocent; but who is eloquent enough to defend the guilty?

Little does the sick man consult his own interests, who makes his physician his heir.

To accept a favor is to sell one's freedom. -Beneficium accipere libertatem est vendere

To have acquired wealth is with many not to end but to change the nature of their troubles.

It is foolish to fear that which you cannot avoid. -Stultum est timere quod vitare non potes

At daybreak, when loath to rise, have this thought in thy mind: I am rising for a man's work.

Deliberando saepe perit occasio [The opportunity often slips away while we deliberate on it].

Even a god finds it hard to love and be wise at the same time. -Amare et sapere vix deo conceditur

That delay is our surest protection which enables us to deliberate on the merits of our intentions.

The things which belong to others please us more, and that which is ours, is more pleasing to others

A pleasant traveling companion on a journey is as good as a carriage. Each day is the scholar of yesterday.

Anyone who believes that men are the equal of women has never seen a man trying to wrap a Christmas present.

It is a most miserable lot to be without an enemy. [No man can be successful without being envied and hated.]

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