I just want to touch your soul, let me pour into you. Fill you with my joy, and make you feel brand new.

To hear the appreciation, the screams - that's what any of us need. We're at our best when we're wanted.

I have fans, and I have family that love me, and I have my music, and I have my breath going in and out.

'Trapped in the Closet' is pretty much forever. I've got a leash on this thing now. I'm going to walk it.

You don't want R&B singers to get into beef. Leave that to the rappers, let them do that - R&B, be classy.

I've had money thrown onstage, dollars, couple of five-dollar bills. I took the money, but it wasn't much.

I was the highest-paid street performer, probably, in the history of Chicago. I was making like $800 a day.

I know that I'm not a criminal. People say that, but my music speaks for itself. And I believe in my music.

I'm not very good at picking stuff up off the radio. It takes me way too long to learn other people's music.

I really don't chase songs. I get in the studio, I know what I gotta do; I'm pretty much programmed to do it.

When I was performing on streets, there was no pressure. People accepted me. They loved me without knowing me.

I'm a man that believes what I see, and everywhere I go... and everywhere I've been... I get nothing but love.

When you commit to something and have fun with it, it appreciates you, the gift, and it starts to help you out.

While the angels sing, I'd ask you to marry me, give you the sun for a diamond ring, if I could do those things.

I spend like $2 million a year on Chinese food and pizza for ten people in the studio who don't sing or produce.

On many different singles, I was able to marry my music with rappers who understood the natural bond between us.

When you go to church, if the pastor at some point doesn't make you laugh, he probably ain't gonna make you join.

I want America to know that you can't believe everything you hear, and nowadays, you can't believe everything you see.

I'm not gonna be broke, like my mom was broke, my uncles were broke, my sisters didn't have money, my cousins on down.

All of a sudden you're like the Bin Laden of America. Osama Bin Laden is the only one who knows what I'm going through.

I couldn't believe I was working with Michael Jackson. I thought, growing up as a kid, I thought Michael was a cartoon.

I did 'Love Letter' and 'Write Me Back,' and those were fun albums for me to do because they took me back to music I love.

Everywhere I go, from malls to restaurants to sold-out tours overseas and back, everywhere I've been, I get nothing but love.

You can't satisfy everybody. I will continue to do my job until I get fired, and the only people who can fire me are my fans.

I only feel sorry for weak people. And mostly what I've come to find is that the weak people are the ones that are the haters.

When I think of musical geniuses, I think of Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye, Michael Jackson and Prince. That's who comes to mind.

I look at my music in the beginning, and the sexual songs, the partying songs, those are the realities because those things happen.

You save money so your kids can go to college - no matter what they are or who they are. They're your kids; you gotta support them.

Love has never failed. It has won every battle. And today and forever more it will go on undefeated. I'm also a very loving person.

Within all of us there is a storm. Some believe it will never end: but he who has faith in the heavens above will weather any storm.

To make an album like 'Love Letter,' everything's got to be about love. Everything has to have a great feeling when you listen to it.

I wanna roll it, roll it, roll it, roll it. Is all I wanna do, for you baby. Girl, it's something kind of sexy. Goin' on about you babe.

I said that when I establish myself as an artist that can do pretty much anything I want to do in music, I'm going to make a country album.

I want to be able to be a father to my kids, where I've never seen my father, but my kids can see me whenever they want, so that was broken.

I started learning everybody's riffs, from Donny Hathaway to Jeffrey Osborne to James Ingram. That helped me create my own style of singing.

My mother always told me if you write about life, you will always be in the game. Just don't write songs write life. I decided to take her up on that.

When you hear romantic music It makes you want to take your girl out to dinner or buy her something or take her out In the moonlight or take her on a walk.

When you hear romantic music, it makes you want to take your girl out to dinner or buy her something or take her out in the moonlight or take her on a walk.

I don't want to just go out and do song to song to song. I like to create things before the song actually kicks in, little things you do to excite the crowd.

When you're me, when you're R. Kelly, everybody wants a piece of you, and if you don't give 'em a piece they'll find a way to get a piece of you one way or the other.

I'm not an A student; I'm not even a B student, but I've gotten a lot better with the reading because of texts. And I can voice-text and say whatever I want to people.

I used to get criticized for doing a 'Bump & Grind' then turning around and doing a gospel song. But the truth is I'm glad I have a gift that allows me to switch lanes.

I'm very responsible. And with ability you have to have responsibility. I'm not perfect. But you have to make sure that your children will know that daddy makes mistakes.

My whole goal in life was to reach that certain success where people will say, 'Hey, that guy can do anything. He's the Evel Knievel of music. He's jumping over 15 buses!'

I've heard people have written books of me. People don't even know me, but they've written a book on me. You ever heard of hearing it from the horse's mouth? I'm the horse.

There are so many songs in me that haven't been born yet. So I can't call myself a genius, but I never turn away a compliment, and I feel like I'm on my way to that mountain.

It's amazing to know that 5 years ago I was writing songs in a basement in the ghetto and now I'm writing for Michael Jackson. I'd be a fool not to say it's a dream come true.

As with all the other rappers I've worked with, Biggie and I shared common ground. Even though Biggie grew up in Brooklyn and I grew up in Chicago, we came from the same 'hood.

Downstairs in my house, I have a museum room. I keep all of my awards down there, and childhood photos, and even all the clothes I've worn on tour, in videos and on album covers.

Being single has its ups and downs, and being in a relationship has its ups and downs. It depends on how you balance it and how you handle your problems within your relationship.

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