I don't think 'Magadheera' should be remade, nor do I think it will be remade. It is very difficult to recreate the same magic.

I was pampered by all my father's directors and producers during childhood. But at home, my father made sure I led a normal life.

I know my fans want me on the screen. But I think hero-worship should not be allowed to corrupt the plot and narrative of a film.

After watching me in a larger-than-life character in 'Magadheera,' the audiences didn't accept me as a college-going boy in 'Orange.'

The sky takes on shades of orange during sunrise and sunset, the colour that gives you hope that the sun will set only to rise again.

I feel a man, when married, becomes more balanced. All the extra-curricular activities are done away with. The focus is on work and family.

My dad always made sense. My dad was only wrong when I didn't understand him. Had I listened to him, my life would have been so much easier.

What better way to foray into production than with 'Khaidi No 150.' The film is truly close to my heart because it is my father's 150th film.

Several southern actors are coming to Mumbai. Likewise, many Bollywood actors are appearing down South or borrowing ideas from southern films.

Initially, it would bother me when filmmakers, script writers, dialogue writers and choreographers tried to recreate a bit of my dad though me.

In the south, whether it is a small film or a big film, everybody sees it. So, there is always something for everybody to come, see, and enjoy.

My father is a big fan of Amitabh Bachchan and always wanted to work or star in a remake of any of his film. But he didn't get the opportunity.

In terms of script, Bollywood should learn from South Indian scripts. Not talking about the fights and action, I am talking about the drama bit.

'3 Idiots' was remade in various languages down south, but it wasn't successful anywhere because the magic was created by Aamir Khan and Rajkumar Hirani.

I studied in eight schools and did not get to be in a school for more than two years, as I was always requested to get out, even though I was not thrown out ever.

For about 175,000 people, Chiranjeevi Blood Bank has supplied blood for free in times of emergency. This is because of the service-oriented attitude of Mega fans.

My dad was more tensed than I was a day before the release. Having learned that 'Bruce Lee' has released to the highest openings in my career, he has settled down.

When I decided to work with Krishna Vamsi, people around me were apprehensive about my decision. They warned me that I shouldn't work with an unsuccessful director.

I may be a star in the South, but when I go to Bollywood, I am a clean slate, a white paper. Whatever the director makes of me is what I will become for the audience.

The principal did not like the fact that the teachers would take my side. I always left an impression when I left the school - not for who I was but for what I did there.

I used to rarely go on film sets, as I felt it was very boring to see the same shot being done so many times. I felt I had nothing to do. I used to irritate the cameramen.

I told my parents that I will marry any girl they choose for me. They also told me that they are open to considering any girl I choose. We were very open about it throughout.

The cop in 'Dhruva' had to be much more agile, far more fit and alert than any role I had played so far. I built the body that the role required. If it's been appreciated, I am glad.

'Bruce Lee' is the fastest film in my career. But the quality is also very high. The last song was shot continuously for 24 hours. We worked like robots for that song, but the quality is outstanding.

Not once did I feel pressurised that I was stepping into Mr. Bachchan's shoes. I don't say I didn't feel the pressure of starring in a remake of 'Zanjeer,' but somewhere, that worked to my advantage.

I have carried the burden of my dad's image since day one. They never see me as just another guy trying to make his career in the film industry. I am always 'Megastar' Chiranjeevi's son first, and Ram Charan only later.

I would love to work with Raju Hirani. I never thought I would have a wish-list of directors as such, but after seeing the consistency of his storylines and the human touch he gets in his film, I would love to work with him.

He was a very strict father, which in a way has helped me to become who I am today. He never pampered me, as he wanted me to live a normal life. No film magazines were allowed at home, and we weren't allowed to watch any movies.

My dad is always there for me, and no matter how busy, he always makes it a point to answer my calls. I think he knows what is best for me better than me and is very involved in planning my career. Feel blessed to have a dad like him.

I always wanted to do a light-hearted entertainer, and 'Bruce Lee' is such a film. The brother-sister sentiment and the relationship between father and son will be very good. The comedy will be hilarious, but it is not a forced comedy.

Upsi is definitely the more romantic of the two. I am more laid back. We do have our differences of opinion sometimes. Upsi is always the first one to break the ice after an argument or a difference of opinion. That's what I love most about her.

The success of 'Dhruva' has given me more satisfaction than any of my previous hits, simply because the audience accepted the film even though it was experimental. I really hope this kind of acceptance makes experimental cinema the new mainstream cinema.

My marks were always bad, and I was a bad influence on other children, so they would explain to my mother that they could retain me only by being partial towards me, and so I should offer to leave the school myself. I would barely get 40-50% and was also extremely naughty.

My mom was a housewife and a sponge, who would absorb everything and make it all look like a fairytale when he entered the house. For instance, when he came home, I would always be seen studying with my books open. She always made sure that Dad went back to the shoot happily.

I am a reserved guy and need somebody to pep me up every day, Upsi does that job perfectly. She is very vivacious and outspoken, so we blend very well. We both love travelling, and we have a thing for adventure. We love being outdoors and like to ride our own boat rather than being rowed by someone else.

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