I just want someone to hear what I have to say. And maybe if I talk long enough, it’ll make sense.

In your reading, find books to improve your color sense, your sense of shape and size in the world.

Learning to let go should be learned before learning to get. Life should be touched, not strangled.

What is The Subconscious to every other man, in its creative aspect becomes, for writers, The Muse.

I don't believe in being serious about anything. I think life is too serious to be taken seriously.

Thus through half-belief, we are often doomed to repeat that very past we should have learned from.

If you have to ask yourself whether or not you love a girl or you love a boy, forget it. You don't.

The novel's not organized like a screenplay. If you shot the novel, you'd have a twelve-hour movie.

You have to learn to take rejection not as an indication of personal failing but as a wrong address.

Who has more pockets than a magician? A boy. Whose pockets contain *more* than a magicians? A boy's.

How working for the wrong motives poisons our creativity and warps our ideas of success and failure.

I decided that was the greatest idea I had ever heard. I started writing every day. I never stopped.

Once the automobile appeared you could have predicted that it would destroy as many people as it did.

I often wonder if God recognizes His own son the way we've dressed him up, or is it dressed him down?

I'm not anyone, I'm just myself; whatever I am, I am something, and now I'm something you can't help.

They whispered to Caesar that he was mortal, then sold daggers at half-price in the grand March sale.

The best scientist is open to experience and begins with romance - the idea that anything is possible.

At the top of your lungs, shout and listen to the echoes. You must live life at the top of your voice!

It is good to renew one's wonder, said the philosopher. Space travel has again made children of us all.

The ability to fantasize is the ability to survive, and the ability to fantasize is the ability to grow

A book is a loaded gun in the house next door...Who knows who might be the target of the well-read man?

Here at this far lost end of the continent, where the trail wagons had stopped and the people with them.

And besides, I like to cry. After I cry hard it's like it's morning again and I'm starting the day over.

All my stories are like the Greek and Roman myths, and the Egyptian myths, and the Old and New Testament.

The great thing about my life is that everything I've done is a result of what I was when I was 12 or 13.

If you dream the proper dreams, and share the myths with people, they will want to grow up to be like you.

There is more than one way to burn a book. And the world is full of people running about with lit matches.

An athlete may run ten thousand miles in order to prepare for one hundred yards. Quantity gives experience.

We are living in a time when flowers are trying to live on flowers, instead of on good rain and black loam.

I believe the universe created us - we are an audience for miracles. In that sense, I guess, I'm religious.

I like to smell things and look at things, and sometimes stay up all night, walking, and watch the sun rise.

I spent three days a week for 10 years educating myself in the public library, and it's better than college.

The things that you do should be things that you love, and things that you love should be things that you do.

Libraries are the center of our lives. There's no use going to a university if you don't live at the library.

I want your loves to be multiple. I don't want you to be a snob about anything. Anything you love, you do it.

The first thing you learn in life is you're a fool. The last thing you learn in life is you're the same fool.

I’m the thing you most desire, you represent the thing I least desire, death. It’s just the opposite of love.

When you reach the stars, boy, yes, and live there forever, all the fears will go, and Death himself will die.

I believe in having fun first, and along the way, if you teach people, if you influence people, well and good.

When you write - explode - fly apart - disintegrate! Then give time enough to think, cut, rework, and rewrite.

I'm interested in having fun with ideas, throwing them up in the air like confetti and then running under them.

I am madness maddened when it comes to books, writers, and the great granary silos where their wits are stored.

Reading is at the center of our lives. The library is our brain. Without the library, you have no civilization.

Television is very dangerous. Because it repeats and repeats and repeats our disasters, instead of our triumphs.

The Internet is a big distraction. It's distracting, it's meaningless; it's not real. It's in the air somewhere.

When I graduated from high school I couldn't go to college, so I went to the library 3 days a week for 10 years.

First grade is very cheap. It's the later grades where you have to spend a lot of money if you don't do it right.

I don't think about what I do. I do it. That's Buddhism. I jump off the cliff and build my wings on the way down.

Those who live in the best cliffs think they are better than us. That is always man's attitude when he has power.

The minute you get a religion you stop thinking. Believe in one thing too much and you have no room for new ideas.

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