Life is a school and problems are the curriculum.

God is love. He didn't need us. But he wanted us.

You were born by his purpose and for his purpose.

You will be tempted by the need to feed yourself.

We are only fully alive when we're helping others

We don't praise God to feel good, but to do good.

Those who follow the crowd usually get lost in it.

Patience puts up with those you'd like to put down

God is never in a hurry, but he is always on time.

You can only make a difference by being different.

The most important is to prepare you for eternity.

Our goal is to make God look good in the universe.

At first opposites attract. Then opposites attack.

Don't let your net worth determine your self worth.

You cannot exalt God and yourself at the same time.

The antidote to the lust of the flesh is integrity.

The greatest gift you can give someone is your time.

Living in light of eternity changes your priorities.

A non-serving Christian is a contradiction in terms.

I can't imagine God not allowing my dog into heaven.

Never be impressed with charisma. Look for character.

You need to doubt your doubts & believe your beliefs.

Where the grass is greener, the water bill is bigger.

I don't personally have enough faith to be an atheist.

When life doesn't make sense, we can still have peace.

When you win, don't swagger. When you lose, don't sulk.

Becoming like Christ is a long, slow process of growth.

Faith is facing reality without being discouraged by it.

Accidents are just incidents in God's good plan for you.

That's God's number one purpose, to make us like Christ.

Living in the light of eternity changes your priorities.

Faith in Jesus must be personal but it cannot be private.

In God’s garden of grace, even broken trees bear fruit...

Maturity is produced through relationships and community.

Your wisest moments will be those when you say yes to God.

I want to change my circumstances. God wants to change me.

If you want to find your purpose in life, find your wound.

The only way you can serve God is by serving other people.

So I would say God hates war, but God loves every soldier.

You can learn from anyone if you know the right questions.

Focusing on ourselves will never reveal our life's purpose.

Don't worry about what you don't have if you do have faith!

Living to create an earthly legacy is a short-sighted goal.

A church will never grow beyond its capacity to meet needs.

We receive God's grace by humbly admitting that we need it.

Pride builds walls between people, humility builds bridges.

Those that innovate the future understand history the best.

Resentment always hurts you more than the person you resent.

Temptation always starts in your mind, not in circumstances.

Every temptation is an offer to doubt God's love and wisdom.

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