Well, I've got nothing to hide. Absolutely nothing.

We all need a laugh and I guess you're just the one.

I'm a rock star because I couldn't be a soccer star.

I suppose I miss the British cynicism and the humor.

If the father is not straight naider will be the son.

In a year of re-election he was desperate to impress.

I got bored of not feeling affectionate towards girls.

You know my wife, she's 6 ft 1 she can beat anyone up.

I was never a good-looking bloke. Not by a long chalk.

I'm very proud of my well-earned wrinkles, so show 'em.

I had this almost Dickensian look. I was quite fragile.

I'm still not good at changing nappies, but I do do it.

You shouldn't be in the music business if you're posing.

I want to dance, I want her ass. Why is she ignoring me?

My big brother still thinks he's a better singer than me.

I was very fortunate that I saved my money and I still do.

I'm only lookin' for a fantasy, an interlude from reality.

My dad bought me a guitar and people would ask me to play.

I've tried many other hairstyles, but it just doesn't work.

Life is so brief and time is a thief when you're undecided.

Whatever road you choose, I'm right behind you win or lose.

You are my lover, you're my best friend. You're in my soul.

Find myself a rock and roll band, that needs a helping hand.

I see myself at 7:30 in the morning and it's not too pretty.

You know I think I could give a little more back to charity.

You're like a cold beer, darling, on a long hot summer night.

Obviously, I haven't really progressed that much at my craft.

I'm just delighted that this woman I love can be a mum again.

You've got to have this burning desire in your chest to succeed.

Although I'm living in California, I'm very proud to be British.

A little child in Ethiopia will die before this song is through.

Fast cars like Porsches and Ferraris - they are things of beauty.

One neutron bomb in the morning may just ruin your whole morning.

I've still got a brilliant head of hair, which refuses to lay down.

I've still got a brilliant head of hair, which refuses to lay down!

All you did was wreck my bed and in the morning kick me in the head.

It was early detection that saved my voice - and I imagine, my life.

How can my son not be straight after all I've said and done for him?

If you want my body and you think I'm sexy come on sugar let me know.

I must really confess right here, the attraction was purely physical.

I have enough music coming out of my kids' bedrooms when I'm at home.

I do take a lot of pride in my look and I work out - do work out a lot.

I had this little handheld transistor radio that I used to sleep next to.

You went to Woodstock and all that trash, your generation is fading fast.

I started singing in the bathroom. Nothing was coming out. It was ghastly.

My life has been an open book, really. Everybody knows everything about me.

I'm jackin' off reading Playboy on a hot afternoon, I'm a three time loser.

I did things with the microphone stand that no-one else has attempted to do.

Brewing a good cuppa is something not everyone can do, and I loathe bad tea.

I am somewhat on the shy side. I know people might find that hard to believe.

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