I've had this sneaking feeling throughout the game that it's there to be won.

Chelsea are the team who can break the Arsenal and Manchester United monopoly.

I would also think that the replay showed it to be worse than it actually was.

He's not only a good player, but he's spiteful in the nicest sense of the word.

You know when I say that things happen in matches? Well, it just happened there.

That's not the type of header you want to see your defender make, with his hand.

For me their biggest threat is when they get into the attacking part of the field.

Women should be in the kitchen, the discotheque and the boutique, but not in football.

They've done the old-fashioned things well; they've kicked the ball, they've headed it.

We haven't had a strategic free kick all night. No one's knocked over attackers ad lib.

The ball goes down the keeper's throat where it hits him on the knees to say the least.

He dribbles a lot and the opposition don't like it - you can see it all over their faces

I just wanted to give my players some technical advice. I told them the game had started.

Moreano thought that the full back was gonna come up behind and give him one really hard.

I never comment on referees and I'm not going to break the habit of a lifetime for that prat.

I tell you what, if the Cameroons get a goal back here they're literally gonna catch on fire.

His white boots were on fire against Arsenal, and he'll be looking for them to reproduce tonight.

Stoichkov's playing on the wing, in this situation he likes to come in and scalp the centre-half.

They've picked their heads up off the ground, and they now have a lot to carry on their shoulders.

I would not say he (David Ginola) is the best left-winger in the Premiership, but there are none better.

I know where he should have put his flag up, and he'd have got plenty of help. (said at Stamford Bridge)

He'll take some pleasure from that, Brian Carey. He and Steve Bull have been having it off all afternoon.

This is the best Man United have played in Europe this season and, conversely, the opposition has been excellent.

Now Manchester United are 2-1 down on aggregate, they are in a better position than when they started the game at 1-1.

All I do know is that I'll never be able to achieve what Tommy Docherty did, and that is take Aston Villa into the third division and Manchester United into the second division

You can see the ball go past them, or the man, but you'll never see both man and ball go past at the same time. So if the ball goes past, the man won't, or if the man goes past they'll take the ball.

One of the reserves came up to me and said 'I'm finding it a bit hard, it's the first time I've ever been dropped'. So I told him to do what Nick Faldo does and work at his game. Next thing I know he's doing exactly what Faldo does, he's taken up golf.

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