There hasn't been a military force like the United States of America in the history of the world.

Every candidate has passive support. It's just people that are gonna vote for him no matter what.

That's my point: What's she [Hillary Clinton] got to show for her 30 years around town? Right on!

Think of the Republican Party as the opposition to the Democrats. It doesn't exist in California!

The whole thing [climate change] is bogus and made up, designed like they always do to scare you.

Both parties want it now. They want comprehensive immigration reform, and they want open borders.

I'll be honest with you, I never expected [Donald] Trump to actually prosecute [Hillary Clinton].

One thing I do know, you can't change hatred by showing those people that they're wrong about us.

We've made progress in our country, and it's been the Constitution that permitted that to happen.

The Democrat Party is a shrinking and dwindling hate group. That's literally what they've become.

I'm like anybody else that's in media. I've got my opinions. I share them. I'm not afraid of them.

The Keystone pipeline would add to our domestic supply. It would help us with energy independence.

Some people would say we're already under attack by aliens - not space aliens, but illegal aliens.

The Never Trumpers, no matter what is learned about Hillary Clinton, they will not vote for Trump.

I have an institutional fear of big government. I have an institutional opposition to bureaucracy.

The media is one rather than a series of different entities that are competing against each other.

All I do is convert liberals to conservatism. That's what I do, and that's why they don't like me.

There's no such thing as equality. No two people are the same. You will not have the same clothes.

They said Reagan was too dangerous. It was Reagan who ended the Soviet Union without firing a shot.

People have called Christopher Columbus horrible, racist, a psycho-maniac killer and a slave owner.

The Democrats of today, they don't care about the past, other than look at aspects of it they hate.

The First Amendment doesn't give anybody the right to be heard. People don't have to listen to you.

It doesn't matter what the FBI says. The New York Times is that big a bible for people on the left.

Being in permanent campaign mode allows you to never stop the process of destroying your opponents.

The alt-right is one of these Democrat manufactured groups of people and they do it every election.

Democrats, folks, only have five states where they have the governorship and the state legislature.

Barack Obama makes more gaffes than George Bush and Sarah Palin combined and is never called on it.

Marxism is what has seduced American liberals - well, liberals worldwide, communists, all leftists.

We are past opposition. I mean, we've crossed that threshold before [Donald] Trump was inaugurated.

The problem with the world is that not enough nations are trying to emulate what Americans've done.

Guess what? Faisal Shahzad is a registered Democrat. I wonder if his SUV had an Obama sticker on it.

My point, they [Trump's followers] still don't care. They're going to stick with him no matter what.

Liberals like to achieve fairness by spreading the misery. Conservatives seek to expand opportunity.

The left don't get what they want without the government forcing people to do it is the bottom line.

The Republican Party cannot win the White House anymore with just conservative and Republican votes.

I think the people that ended up supporting Hillary Clinton didn't care what she was or who she was.

Look, 85% percent of Democrats think the economy's fine. What does that tell you about these people?

The journalists are so devoted to Obama. They are such sycophants that they're worried about access.

Donald Trump does what everybody who voted for him wishes would happen every time the left pipes up.

Ohio, you're too white, too many white people to be in any way meaningful in a presidential election.

The Republican Party seems just as eager as the Democrats to pronounce their voters as extreme kooks.

Donald Trump has defied practically every playbook or blue book technique in dispatching an opponent.

The Supreme Court has only granted citizenship to the children born to legal immigrants, not illegal.

I think these A-list celebrities that are all lined up for Hillary [Clinton], I think they heard her.

This guy [Steven Lerner] is a pure anti-capitalist. He despises America. He is on a personal crusade.

[Donald] Trump's establishing his bona fides on military preparedness. No histrionics, just the facts.

The Republicans have bought into the idea that people hate them because they're opposed to everything.

I've always believed in the old-fashioned way: When you've got scoundrels in office, you vote 'em out.

It's all about raising more money. And they have to keep this alive, so Hillary [Clinton] got cheated.

How could that woman [Hillary Clinton] actually be the most cheated-on woman in America? Which she is.

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