Do not talk too much. First do some Sadhana. First do, then be, then you can talk.

If you honour your mother, the Mother of the Universe will guard you against harm.

A wicked person, swayed by evil motives and evil actions, is described as a demon.

Once we surrender our mind to God completely, He will take care of us in every way.

The feminine is the foundation on which a peaceful and happy world is to be raised.

If you incline towards God the passions that enslaves you will be rendered powerless.

Man must saturate his daily life in truthful speech, virtuous acts and holy thoughts.

He alone is a redeemed being who causes no pain to others and avoids pain to himself.

I - Want - Peace, I is ego, Want is desire; Remove ego and desire and you have peace.

For the Atma there is no time and there is no form. It is beyond time and beyond form.

Anger is like an intoxicant; it reduces man and degrades him to the level of an animal.

My people do not come to me of their own accord; it is I who seek and bring them to me.

Life is a mosaic of pleasure and pain - grief is an interval between two moments of joy.

The secret of happiness is not in doing what you like but in liking what you have to do.

Do your duty and think about God all day from morning to evening. See everything as God.

The giver gives, but really he is sowing the seed for later, the gift of a rich harvest.

Make the mind, the voice and the actions agree in harmony. That is the right way of life.

Do not use poisonous words against anyone, for words wound more fatally than even arrows.

I am you; you are ME. You are the waves; I am the ocean. Know this and be free, be divine.

Duty without love is deplorable. Duty with love is desirable. Love without duty is Divine.

Whenever and wherever you put yourself in touch with GOD, that is the state of meditation.

Do some Sadhana. Realize the Atma! Always think like that . . . "I am the Atma. I am all."

When you retire for the night offer grateful homage to God for being with you all day long.

Violence in any form is evil and to kill innocent animals in tantamount to blatant savagery.

You are always your own best guru, your own best teacher, the answers are always inside you.

Anger, ego, jealousy are the biggest diseases,Keep yourself aloof from these three diseases.

The grace of God is like insurance. It will help you in your time of need without any limit.

You must enshrine in your hearts the spiritual urge towards light and love, Wisdom and Bliss!

Never believe that body is permanent. Body is like a water bubble. Mind is like a mad monkey.

Desire is like the shadow caused by the morning sun; it gets longer when you run to catch it.

You must be ever vigilant to discover the unifying Truth behind all the scintillating variety.

God is the mother and father of the world. Our parents are the mother and father of this body.

But a little milk, butter and cheese are acceptable because no harm is done in obtaining them.

Whatever may be the experience in everyday life, the basci inner Truth should not be forgotten.

It is when you experience another's suffering as your own that your human values is manifested.

No religion has a separate God showering grace only on those who profess to abide by that faith.

You are the Atma. You are permanent. The physical is not permanent. The physical is not the Atma.

People say "I want peace." If you remove I (ego), and your want (desire), you are left with peace.

Human values should predominate in men's thoughts. Human life has no meaning without these values.

God is to be recognized in all that exists, all that is charming, suffering, blooming or drooping.

The only ache people have nowadays is ache in the stomach due to over eating and lack of exercise!

Do not be obsessed by egotism, imagining that you are the cause of action, everything is due to God.

All spiritual practice must be directed to the removal of the husk and the revelation of the kernel.

You have it in your power to make your days on Earth a path of flowers, instead of a path of thorns.

The greatest formula that can liberate, cleanse and elevate the mind is Rama-Name, the Name of Rama.

YOU find some one parade all of a sudden some -ism- as new and revolutionary socialism, for example.

Study the lives of our great women, who were models of patience, fortitude, compassion and sacrifice.

Human love is mostly selfishness; all the time it thinks only of the little 'i'. That 'i' is the ego.

Before you speak, ask yourself, is it kind, is it necessary, is it true, does it improve the silence?

Your sight must become an insight; it must be turned within and used to purify and clarify your mind.

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