Love of action is not industry.

If you would judge, understand.

Self-denial is the best riches.

No one can keep a mask on long.

Full of men, vacant of friends.

No one can have all he desires.

Home joys are blessed of heaven.

Where fear is, happiness is not.

Simple is the language of truth.

A good mind possesses a kingdom.

He who is everywhere is nowhere.

Necessity is stronger than duty.

Speech is the index of the mind.

Men practice war; beasts do not.

Be harsh with yourself at times.

I would rather be sick than idle.

As many servants so many enemies.

Wisdom comes to no one by chance.

Men's language is as their lives.

Forgive that you may be forgiven.

Calamity is virtue's opportunity.

Speech is the mirror of the mind.

The best cure for anger is delay.

Who has more leisure than a worm?

To be everywhere is to be nowhere.

No man ever became wise by chance.

Unjust dominion cannot be eternal.

To the stars through difficulties.

Unjust rule does not last forever.

The sun shines even on the wicked.

All cruelty springs from weakness.

Expediency often silences justice.

The Germans, a race eager for war.

Fear drives the wretched to prayer

Money has yet to make anyone rich.

All art is but imitation of nature.

A great fortune is a great slavery.

A good mind is a lord of a kingdom.

The best ideas are common property.

Fine conduct is always spontaneous.

Everything hangs on one's thinking.

You talk one way, you live another.

While we wait for life, life passes

In every good man a God doth dwell.

Successful villany is called virtue.

... frugality makes a poor man rich.

The voice is nothing but beaten air.

For greed, all nature is too little.

As was his language so was his life.

No evil is without its compensation.

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