We have to stick to basics. Sometimes, you expect that miracles will happen, but it does not work out that way.

I think, after Pakistan, the two countries where I have received most love and respect are India and Australia.

You can really put yourself out there in front of the world, make a name for yourself in international cricket.

The team that wins makes minimum mistakes, and the one which loses, that one makes more mistakes than the other team.

Obviously, I want to do well in the Champions Trophy, which is like a mini World Cup with all top teams participating.

The people may not be like that, but I think the media had a very dirty role in spoiling relations between us and India.

If everything works out for me & if it's my special day I'll try to break AB de Villiers record for the fastest hundred.

I have always done my bit to improve Indo-Pak ties, but sometimes you say something, and it is interpreted the other way.

I just want to be given respect and dignity that every senior player deserves after serving the country for so many years.

I began as a bowler and batting at No. 8 or 9 at Under-14, U-16 and U-19 levels, so to change myself was really difficult.

I thank Allah that I have been playing for Pakistan for a long time. This is a big honour for me; I had not even thought so.

I honestly think that my sincerity lies with my country and each and every individual who knows me will agree with this fact.

I don't think there is a need to treat matches with India like a matter of life and death. We need to take cricket as cricket.

Respect is the most essential thing about captaincy. Respect between the captain and players is important. It is give and take.

You need the management personnel who can help you out with various things. The captain can't be asked to get into every decision.

I have seen a lot of top players being forced to retire in not very pleasant circumstances, and I don't want that happening to me.

There are cricket-loving people here, much like in Pakistan. Overall, I've enjoyed a lot playing in India in my cricketing career.

I am disappointed at not being able to live up to the expectations of my supporters, but every cricketer goes through such a time.

It is sad that some people in the media like to create stories to sell their media, without any real facts to back up their stories.

As a captain, I am concerned about my team and how I perform. I have hopes from my own self and very high hopes from my team members.

In very few countries I enjoyed cricket more than I did in India. I would always remember the love my team and I got from the fans here.

My game is such that I either succeed or fail. But I always hope to do something which is useful to the team at the start of the innings.

I admire Indian cricket because of the way the sport is run there and how the money they earn is invested back into the game and players.

They have permission to play all the indoor games they want, but my daughters are not going to be competing in public sporting activities.

I have no real desire to play Test cricket, and the reason I lost this desire was because I was not selected consistently for Test matches.

I believe that a sportsman should be aggressive because that is what gives him or her the power to perform even in the toughest of situations.

I still say Pakistan and India should have normal bilateral relations in cricket and there should be regular exchanges between the two countries.

Sachin is one of the best batsmen, and the whole world knows this. He does not need mine or anybody else's certificate. His records speak for him.

In one-day cricket, we should not think that we can win easily against any team. There have been examples when big teams have lost to small sides.

The reason for my age being messed up in the records is that when I first appeared for the under-14 trials, I myself really did not know my exact age.

I have nothing against the Indian people, and I have always enjoyed going to India, as the people there appreciate and support good cricket and players.

Always try to understand and educate yourselves on the reasons why Allah has given you life, do that part first then enjoy the rest of life and chill out.

My thinking is that once the captain sends you at a particular number, then your job is to perform and get runs at that number. Nothing else should matter.

There are Millions of people in this world. Then why are you born? The reason is, Allah is expecting something from you, which is not possible by Millions.

I would say T20 cricket has introduced a more positive attitude in players and led to Tests also being played more aggressively and being more result oriented.

I don't really see any difference between Pakistani people and the Indians. We eat the same food, we speak the same language. I don't really see any difference.

So many mouths can get fed, so many minds can be nourished, if India and Pakistan resolve the Kashmir issue through a Kashmiri-owned, Kashmiri-led peace process.

Ajwa and Asmara are the youngest and love to play dress-up. They have my permission to play any sport, as long as they're indoors. Cricket? No, not for my girls.

Whether it is Wasim Akram, Waqar Younis, or Inzamam ul-Haq, they will also say that they get a lot of respect here because cricket is literally worshiped in India.

Since my childhood, I saw my elder brothers playing cricket and that is what built my passion around it. I was enrolled in school but all my attention was on cricket.

When my family moved to Karachi, I just knew the date and month of my birth and not the exact year. That is why my age was erroneously recorded in the under-14 trials.

I admire Sachin Tendulkar for being one of the best role models for young cricketers, and no one in Pakistan even doubts his greatness, as his records speak for himself.

Fast bowling is not an easy job. Especially if you are also a batsman as well as being a fast bowler, a fast bowler has to work harder than any other cricketer on his fitness.

My relationship with Virat is not dictated by political situation. Virat is a fantastic human being and an ambassador of cricket for his country, just like I am for my country.

Dhoni has changed the face of Indian cricket and took them to the pinnacle of success, and his captaincy will be missed by the Indian team. He has led them well in all formats.

In all my years of cricket, I've given hundreds of interviews and done dozens of TV shows, but what you will read in my memoir are the stories and thoughts I've never shared openly.

I don't think, in international cricket, there is a need for coaching. The real coaching is to recognise your players' strengths and weaknesses. You always remain positive with your players.

There is a lot of warmth and fellow-feeling whenever I have spoken to Virat. It's not that we get a chance to speak a lot, but from time to time, he would drop in a message, and I would do the same.

I have seen that Tendulkar was not at all comfortable against Shoaib in Kolkata Test in 1999. It was Shoaib's first tour of India, and he bowled out Sachin without giving him a chance to open his account.

I am happy that I am getting a chance to play for Hampshire, because wherever I play, at the end of the day, I am recognized as a Pakistani, and if I do well, it is Pakistan cricket that gets a good name.

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