My mother was Canadian, so you never knew what she was thinking.

To dance at all is to confront oneself. It is the art of honesty.

Don't be afraid to go out on a limb. It's where all the fruit is.

Never trust a man when he's in love, drunk, or running for office.

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Melt their weapons, melt their hearts, melt their anger with love.

Celebrate what is possible. Your beliefs will create your reality.

I wasn't afraid of getting old, because I was never a great beauty.

On the stage you try to act real. On the screen you try to be real.

I have a lot of friends who come and stay, and we talk about the world.

In some ways, America has grown up to be a masterpiece of self-concern.

In order to get to the fruit of the tree, you have to go out on a limb.

The more sex becomes a non-issue in people's lives, the happier they are.

A person who knows how to laugh at himself will never ceased to be amused.

My first few weeks in New York were an initiation into the kingdom of guts.

I'm not sure I'll come back to this planet. I may come back to another one.

The uninvestigated life is not worth living. I don't want to live that way.

The person who knows how to laugh at himself will never cease to be amused.

Remember what people used to say about meditation? Now everyone is doing it.

He [Jimmy Carter] says his lust is in his heart. I hope it's a little lower.

I think the world is in the mess it's in because we are spiritually ignorant.

Prayer is speaking to God. Meditation is listening to God. Trust tranquility.

I look like a real bag lady when I go to Starbucks with my dog and get my chai.

I want women to be liberated and still be able to have a nice ass and shake it.

To release others from the expectations we have of them is to really love them.

Nothing should be permanent except struggle with the dark side within ourselves.

I simply channeled a character, this time I allowed the character to inhabit me.

... when things get rough, a breakthrough is just on the other side of the pain.

The soul is everlasting, and its learning experience is lifetime after lifetime.

I think people will become more and more aware that we are all more than we seem.

I don't like leaving my dog when I go to England and she is with me all the time.

I think it's much more important to know the truth than it is to make money on it.

I hoped that the trip would be the best of all journeys: a journey into ourselves.

We are not victims of the world we see, we are victims of the way we see the world.

bonding through dependence never works, whereas bonding through freedom always does.

I'm a city girl and I never really lived in the country, so I'm learning about that.

It is incredible, when you start believing in angels your life becomes a lot smoother.

He's a real gentleman. I bet he takes the dishes out of the sink before he pees in it.

Maybe the tragedy of the human race was that we had forgotten that we are each divine.

When you walk 10 hours, 11 hours a day by yourself, you are doing a walking meditation.

I don't have an assistant. I make a lot of people around me my slaves, but no assistant.

One can become as intellectually arrogant about spirituality as about empirical science.

I love the idea that I'm the oldest one in the room because I can get away with anything!

New York is the perfect town for getting over a disappointment, a loss, or a broken heart.

I think we have to do something about the environment and how we are polluting the planet.

Some people think I look like a sweet potato, I consider myself a spud with a heart of gold.

There are stars who are proficiently paranoid enough to hide what they really think. I can't.

I watched my head rolling on the floor. It landed face up and a big tear came out of one eye.

All you really need in life is some fresh water, a good hat, and a really good pair of shoes.

Women being pitted each other another in Hollywood is an old tactic, but it's not real at all.

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