My base will always be Mumbai since my parents live here and I will always come down to Mumbai or fly down south for work.

Of course, I'm a happy-go-lucky person, I have a lot of friends and I love people. But we all have a right to personal life.

I think that the best part of being an Indian actress is that you can be a part of so many different films in different languages.

We need women behind the camera like we do in front of the camera. That's when we will have stronger, smarter, better roles for us.

I am blessed with an active metabolism, which allows me to eat to my heart's content. I prefer Indian food because it's a balanced diet.

It's great to imagine and visualise while reading a novel. It doesn't always work for a film. 'Pavithra' had a good script executed badly.

I have known Salman for some time now. Salman is a really, really kind man. He has always given me so much respect and treated me so nicely.

I have a flexible body, thanks to the combination exercise routine I follow. But I'm fairly lazy when it comes to working out my legs and back.

Sivaji' was a fantastic movie. It is one movie I am going to take back to my grave and like a greedy actor, I want more such movies in my career.

India is where part of my heart lies. Everytime I come back home, I gorge on paranthas and dosas and it makes me happy. I simply love Indian food.

I enjoy every role that I do. But I would love to do a dance-based film. It can even be the biopic of a great Indian classical dancer. I want to push boundaries.

Whether it is sensitising people to social issues, campaigning for causes or being part of fund-raisers, celebrities can go a long way in reaching out to people.

To sustain oneself, one should learn to not take success or failure too seriously. You just need the confidence to stand there and say 'Even if I fall, I can get up.'

Staying cooped up in one place is frustrating and I try to keep myself occupied - with yoga, meditation, cooking, reading, watching movies - to take my mind off things.

For the longest time I was trying to please others. I can blame the whole world for each film that went wrong but if I'm not happy about a project I cannot give my best.

The art works of women, who are intelligent and creative, need to be showcased and understanding their thoughts through art can definitely urge us to support them better.

I don't chase the perfect figure. I'd rather focus on staying and eating healthy. A combination of running, swimming, yoga and circuit training works brilliantly for my body.

I did a soft drink ad some time back. Later, a mother came to me and said that her child started consuming more of that drink after seeing my ad. It made me measure my actions.

When I started working, there were times when I was the lone woman on set, apart from my make-up person. My mom would accompany me. Now there are many women assistant directors.

When it comes to filmmaking - India or abroad, there are two approaches. First, when the director knows what he's making. Second, where he has an idea and explores that while making the film.

You don't ask if an aircraft is being flown by a man or a woman - if it flies, it means it's doing the job it is meant to. The same is with cinema, and all that matters is whether the film works or not.

I don't restrict myself from any food item. I am a non-vegetarian and I love home cooked food which usually includes daal, roti, aloo ki sabji, sambhar and fish. I try to avoid ice cream and sweets though.

Certain people with vested interests have unleashed a campaign that I'm charging Rs 1 crore as my salary. This is totally false. Even at the best of times, I haven't got that much money for any of my films.

I use rosewater and glycerine as a moisturiser cum toner. I sometimes spray it on my face, after putting on my make-up, as it gives a beautiful glow. I also use besan mixed with haldi or yoghurt to cleanse my face.

When I studied in DPS Mathura Road in Delhi, there was a school for blind exactly opposite to our school. I used to go there every week and spend time seeing how these students played cricket and did other things normally.

Sometimes you do films that work really well and sometimes you do a film and you fall flat on your face. Sometimes things work, sometimes things don't work, you never know. I don't think there is any explanation to something like that.

I did my second film with Nagarjuna. First of all, he is a Virgo and all Virgo people are great. He is a very happy person who loves music, workouts and living a positive life. He is like a friend who can talk and chill with you anytime.

I'm not too comfortable going into the details, but yes, my love story with Andrei is beautiful and magical. We first met while I had gone diving in the Maldives. He didn't even know who I was when we first met. It was only later that he found out I'm an actress.

I remember when I became an actress and when people would come and ask me if they could take a picture with me, I would say no. Then my mom told me, 'Who do you think you are? You are what you are because of them. The day they will stop coming to you, you will be no one.' I realised I was wrong.

It's really strange, but I find a connect with Shivaji Raje through Rajinikanth. Rajini sir is born a Marathi, he's a superstar in Tamil film industry and a national icon too. He started his life as an ordinary man and reached the pinnacle. This is how Shivaji Raje's life also traversed from common to extraordinary.

In Hollywood, an Angelina Jolie is paid a fee that is probably at par with her male colleagues, but we can't expect the same here in India. Universally, films have meatier roles for men. Most films are about male protagonists and their histrionics on screen; women are signed up for song sequences and to up the glam quotient.

To be honest, I think it's a fair argument to ask actors not to endorse fairness products. We don't need to be fair in this country, and there's a whole lot of madness about being fair. Many advertisements are projected in a manner that if you aren't fair, you don't get married - and when you get fairer with the creams, you do!

God has been kind and I'm blessed to have such a supportive partner like Andrei. I somehow like the word partner more than husband. Because Andrei is like my partner-in-crime, partner-in-fun and everything else. He's really proud of me and my work. Whenever I'm stressed or worried about what I'm doing, he always tries to calm me down.

I've never met a human being like Rajinikanth sir. Every time he walks in, there is this aura around him. He is very humble, gentle and sweet to spot boys, light men and gives the same amount of respect to everyone. What I enjoy about him is his sense of humour. He is highly knowledgeable and can be mostly seen with a book in his hand.

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