As you get a lot of exposure, a lot of people looking at you, you have to take it more so how you carry yourself, how people view you. You have to worry about your image.

There are great days ahead for the University of Maryland football program, and I hope I have helped to put the program in a better place than it was when I first got there.

You don't want to have any negativity in your life. Continue to push. Continue to be patient. And when your time comes, then you've got to do everything you can, that's all.

As a young man, I feel as if it's all about progressing. I may have had to mature a little faster than others, but no worries. I took it on full steam and led by example off the field.

I wanted to stay home and go to Maryland because I'm really the man of my house. We lost our father when I was 14. Somebody had to be there, so I had to take it and put that on my shoulders.

I can separate very well. I can do everything I need to do as a player. I'm not the fastest guy always, or the strongest guy, or the biggest guy, but I always get the job done. I'm a workaholic.

Not having a father is big. You need guidance. I know, personally, when my father died, I needed guidance; I needed somebody to show me how to be a man, how to grow up, basically how to do the right thing.

When you're not able to play ball anymore, you see who's really there for you. I would say that God works in mysterious ways, and He gets rid of your friends for you - the ones who were never really your real friends.

I just feel like it's my job to take care of my body. I play a contact sport, 99.9 percent injury rate. As far as being injury-prone or getting hurt, it's going to happen. But it's my job to take care of my body, come week in and week out.

I try not to pay too much attention to the surroundings when you've got plays to worry about. It doesn't really matter. All we need is the grass and a couple of lines. We'll make it work and execute no matter what. At the end of the day, that's football.

I'm a football fanatic. I love the game of football. I love learning new things, and I love being taught things. So I try to learn as much as I can, and even at a young age, I was really focused on how to be better and trying to learn all the techniques.

When you're playing football, and your enemies are there, you don't have a lot of time to think to yourself. You've got stuff to handle. You've got places to be, meetings to go to, bigger fish to fry. You really don't attack the emotional side of your life.

My time off is usually spent working out and getting better at football. When I come home and spend time with my little brother, we're out on the football field. We're working out or playing Madden. We're spending time with each other, but our quality time is football.

I wanted to go to the underdog team - I wanted to build something somewhere like a lot of the other guys who stayed home at Maryland, like Vernon Davis and players like that. I wanted to stay home and do it in front of my family and my friends... Those thing matter to me.

I kind of really study different angles of the film. You see how people's bodies are, how they react to certain kind of moves - what foot they step with, what hand they jab with, and all that. Just little things like that, that you pick up when you watch film. Studying is big for me.

You want to have that trust with your QB; you want to build that camaraderie throughout your team and just have that relationship with them, so when you're out there, he doesn't have anything to worry about. He tells you to run this route, you run it to the best of your ability and be there for him.

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