One of the coolest days of my life was when I bought a 16K memory card upgrade and stuck it in my Apple II. I was kind of a geek.

Before I could become a military officer or a Member of Congress, I was required to do one thing: Take an oath to the Constitution.

Israel serves as America's most reliable strategic partner in the Middle East and supports U.S. regional and global policy objectives.

The United States was built on the idea that we could create a free country that would serve as a haven for those fleeing persecution.

Offering thoughts and prayers are a valuable way to let loved ones know you care, but no one should offer them at the expense of action.

Our military leaders have studied the climate change issue and now believe that mitigating climate change is an urgent national security issue.

As you get a changing of the guard in Washington D.C., with different people from different sectors, you'll start to break through the gridlock.

I am a Democrat; I want to fund programs that help people. In order to do that, you need to have revenues and you have revenues when you have jobs.

A comprehensive Syria strategy, ideally one that's more than 280 characters, remains a key requirement to protect U.S. interests in the Middle East.

The stakes in the encryption debate are high, with significant consequences for personal privacy, the U.S. private sector, and our national security.

Donald Trump ran for president on a promise to 'drain the swamp.' I agreed with that particular statement. Unfortunately, he didn't mean what he said.

We must act to reduce the increasingly dangerous and destructive levels of carbon pollution that account for practically all of global climate change.

Attempts to restrict encryption at the state or local levels would only serve to undermine security and economic competitiveness for the entire nation.

If President Trump wants to actually prove he's a strong leader, he could start by championing American ideals even when they don't suit him personally.

We have to remember the bigger picture: the U.S.-Israel alliance is too important to be hijacked by political interests or undermined by perceived riffs.

By the time Congress is even authorized to act after the President has launched nuclear weapons, there may no longer be a civilized world in which to do so.

Democrats are certainly happy to talk about border security, but we're not going to build this stupid vanity wall of Donald Trump's with U.S. taxpayer dollars.

The VA secretary runs the second largest federal agency in the country, providing services to American patriots who risked everything in service to this nation.

Our nation's military is effective because it is nonpartisan, relies heavily on science and technology, and takes the world as it is, not as it wishes it to be.

The United States represents hope, freedom and opportunities to those who are born here and to those who are not. Those values are part of the United States' fabric.

America is a nation founded by immigrants and built on the ideal that anyone can be an American if he or she believes in the principles and values of the Constitution.

The press is the only profession protected in the Constitution because of how important the framers viewed the press. But in authoritarian regimes, they control the press.

The Bill of Rights is a remarkable document because it weaves into the fabric of our democracy the idea that government has a responsibility to protect individual liberty.

I think there is a lot of activism and energy from people all over America, and some of them are being represented by members that appear to be ignoring their constituents.

Speech controversies' will come and go as they always have, but our countries' shared values remain and Congress' bipartisan support for a strong U.S.-Israel partnership is ironclad.

Weaken American encryption and consumers - both good and bad actors - will simply seek their technology from companies based abroad. Weaker encryption also means weaker national security.

The American people understand that what makes the nation great is not people's bloodlines or how long ago their ancestors arrived here, but their character and belief in the Constitution.

Californians want to have clean air, clean water - not like the Trump Administration is trying to do with its rollback of environmental regulations, like the reversal of the Clean Power Plan.

The marriage equality ruling establishes for the American public where the majority already are - which is that love is love and discriminating against a human being based on love is idiotic.

Military members understand that the focus is on completing the mission. We don't care if you are tall or short; have dark skin or pale skin or freckles; or are gay, straight, or transgender.

The only thing worse than watching an Alex Jones video is the government trying to tell Google not to do it - to prevent people form watching the Alex Jones video. We can't even do it if we tried.

In a nation as dynamic and diverse as the United States, what makes us great is that our founding principles are rooted in the bedrock principle of freedom, including the right to free expression.

At its core, our military is comprised of service members who are proud of their country and are willing to go to great lengths to protect American virtues of liberty and justice. I was one of them.

When I hear President Trump suggest policy ideas that run counter to American ideals, I speak out. In the same vein, when my constituents disagree with me, I welcome and champion their right to speak out.

Donald Trump himself actually said during his campaign that he essentially thinks being unpredictable is a good thing. Maybe that's a good thing in domestic politics, but in foreign policy, that is really stupid.

The president of the United States has a serious job with deadly serious responsibilities. Rash and impulsive decisions by him can lead to negative outcomes and distractions that undermine the strength of our nation.

The U.S. Constitution grants Congress the authority to regulate interstate commerce, and the ENCRYPT Act sends a clear message that the complicated issues with encryption must be addressed thoughtfully and nationally.

Look, Bill Barr can choose to be a lying partisan hack. It just means he needs to go work for the Trump campaign but he can't be attorney general. That's a position that requires independence, integrity, an oath to the constitution.

When I wake up, I'll read something and I'll feel angry. And then I'll calm down a little bit. I'll think about it. And then I'll tweet something that talks about the issue, and if I can inject some satire and humor, I'll try to do that.

Deeper investment in green energy technology will create millions of high-paying American jobs that cannot be outsourced, rebuilding our nation's manufacturing economy, starting with wind turbines and solar panels stamped 'Made in America.'

I came here as an immigrant. We were poor. We went to flea markets to sell gifts to make ends meet. Just the mere fact that I can be running for Congress is something that can only happen in a place like America. It's such a wonderful country.

Most of the discrimination I have encountered centered on the view that I am not a part of this great nation, even though I grew up in Ohio, graduated from law school in Washington, D.C., and received my commission in the U.S. Air Force in 1991.

One thing I am scared of is the unlimited amounts of dark money that Republicans have access to in terms of the Koch Brothers, Sheldon Adelson. There is a large pool of Republican mega-donors who can pump money into competitive races across America.

You cannot have 300-some million Americans - and really, right, the global citizenry be at risk of having their phone conversations intercepted with a known flaw, simply because some intelligence agencies might get some data. That is not acceptable.

It's hurting Democrats if you do really go profoundly negative in the primary. Most of them don't. They actually realize the most effective use of their money is to make sure they stand out in front of the voters and the voters understand their story.

I served on active duty in the U.S. Air Force and currently serve in the U.S. House of Representatives. Yet I still experience people telling me to 'go back' to China or North Korea or Japan. Like many immigrants, I have learned to brush off this racist insult.

I think Kamala Harris would be a fantastic president. I've known her for many years. We've worked on a lot of issues together, including criminal justice reform and also specifically on bail reform. I think she is the leader we need who can unite the American people.

Having immigrated here when I was 3, I was grateful for the opportunities America provided and felt a duty to defend the ideals that make us the strongest nation in the world. I can't imagine turning away anyone who shares that vision and has the drive and ability to serve.

Trump bragged about hiring only the 'best people' when he was running for president. We're seeing, time and again, the opposite. It's unclear whether the president's definition of 'best people' is different than ours, or if the 'best people' simply aren't interested in working for him.

To me, the problem with the president is that he takes very authoritarian actions in terms of attacking democratic institutions and then just uttering a large number of false and misleading statements that then make it hard sometimes for the people to know what is true and what is false.

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