When you are on the dancefloor, there is nothing to do but dance.

If people buy my books for vanity, I consider it a tax on idiocy.

The only truths that are useful are instruments to be thrown away.

Books are not made to be believed, but to be subjected to inquiry.

What we honor as prudence in our elders is simply panic in action.

Deciding what is being talked about is a kind of interpretive bet.

A dream is a scripture, and many scriptures are nothing but dreams.

A mystic is a hysteric who has met her confessor before her doctor.

But laughter is weakness, corruption, the foolishness of our flesh.

The step between ecstatic vision and sinful frenzy is all too brief.

I was in a maze. No matter which way I turned, it was the wrong way.

Mystical additions and subtractions always come out the way you want.

I feel that I am a scholar who only with the left hand writes novels.

It is obvious that the newspaper produces the opinion of the readers.

Books are menaced by books. Any excess of information produces silence.

American coffee can be a pale solution served at a temperature of 100oC

The comic is the perception of the opposite; humor is the feeling of it.

All poets write bad poetry. Bad poets publish them, good poets burn them.

When your true enemies are too strong, you have to choose weaker enemies.

but I had also learned that freedom of speech means freedom from rhetoric.

My collection of rare books concerns only books that don't tell the truth.

How clear everything becomes when you look from the darkness of a dungeon.

Many people who no longer go to church end up falling prey to superstition.

The Roseicrucians were everywhere, aided by the fact that they didn't exist.

A sure sign of a lunatic is that sooner or later, he brings up the Templars.

In other words, although I don't like them, we do need noble-spirited souls.

I don't miss my youth. I'm glad I had one, but I wouldn't like to start over.

I consider always the adult life to be the continuous retrieval of childhood.

The author may not interpret. But he must tell why and how he wrote his book.

By means of the sign, man frees himself from the here and now for abstraction.

Libraries have always been humanities' way of preserving its collective wisdom

I think a book should be judged 10 years later, after reading and re-reading it.

I think of myself as a serious professor who, during the weekend, writes novels.

There is only one thing that you write for yourself, and that is a shopping list.

Memory is a stopgap for humans, for whom time flies and what is passed is passed.

We live for books. A sweet mission in this world dominated by disorder and decay.

In the construction of Immortal Fame you need first of all a cosmic shamelessness.

There are four kinds of people in this world: cretins, fools, morons, and lunatics.

I am an old consumer of papers. I cannot avoid reading my newspapers every morning.

The Enlightenment, the Age of Reason, is seen as the beginning of modern depravity.

The only truth lies in learning to free ourselves from insane passion for the truth.

The more elusive and ambiguous a symbol is, the more it gains significance and power.

Berlusconi is a genius in communication. Otherwise, he would never have become so rich.

When someone has to intervene to defend the liberty of the press, that society is sick.

Never affirm, always allude: allusions are made to test the spirit and probe the heart.

Naturally, everything depends on one's background books and on what one is looking for.

The cultivated person's first duty is to be always prepared to rewrite the encyclopedia.

Hypotyposis is the rhetorical effect by which words succeed in rendering a visual scene.

Absence is to love as wind is to fire: it extinguishes the little flame, it fans the big.

For the enemy to be recognized and feared, he has to be in your home or on your doorstep.

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