It is not enough to be happy, one must be content.

Years place at last a venerable crown upon a head.

The rich's paradise was created by the poor's hell.

Adversity makes men, and prosperity makes monsters.

There is nothing like a dream to create the future.

It is by suffering that human beings become angels.

God is behind everything, but everything hides God.

Houses are like the human beings that inhabit them.

Whatever causes night in our souls may leave stars.

Every bad institution of this world ends by suicide.

In the domain of art there is no light without heat.

Music expresses that which cannot be put into words.

Being good is easy, what is difficult is being just.

Many great actions are committed in small struggles.

Revolutions are not born of chance but of necessity.

The persistence of an all-absorbing idea is terrible.

A compliment is something like a kiss through a veil.

A republic may be called the climate of civilization.

Too much improvisation leaves the mind stupidly void.

Genius is a promontory jutting out into the infinite.

Love is the foolishness of men, and the wisdom of God.

Let us sacrifice one day to gain perhaps a whole life.

When a person opens a book, he can never be in prison.

Peace is the virtue of civilization. War is its crime.

Phenomena intersect; to see but one is to see nothing.

Nothing makes a man so adventurous as an empty pocket.

Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.

The wicked envy and hate; it is their way of admiring.

Every body drags its shadow, and every mind its doubt.

A fall from such a height is rarely straight downwards.

One believes others will do what he will do to himself.

This child whom we Love, Brings daylight Into our soul.

Poetry contains philosophy as the soul contains reason.

Yes, the brutalities of progress are called revolutions

The soul has greater need of the ideal than of the real

We do not comprehend everything, but we insult nothing.

Initiative is doing the right thing without being told.

As with stomachs, we should pity minds that do not eat.

We teachers make the road, others will make the journey.

The beautiful has but one type, the ugly has a thousand.

Do you hear the people sing? Singing a song of angry men

Winter is on my head, but eternal spring is in my heart.

He reached for his pocket, and found there, only reality

If you would civilize a man, begin with his grandmother.

When dictatorship is a fact, revolution becomes a right.

Out Milky Way is the dwelling; the nebulae are the city.

God put in man thought; society, action; nature, revery.

Tobacco is the plant that converts thoughts into dreams.

He was fond of books, for they are cool and sure friends

A stout heart may be ruined in fortune but not in spirit.

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