A police officer asked me why I agreed to play a Pakistani in my films. I told him that someone has to do different, na. If everyone will become Indian army officer then how the story will proceed?

After a certain point of time, life's practicality hits you. So I got into theatre, did stage plays and worked along with Naseeruddin Shah and Nana Patekar, people who are committed to the craft part.

It has happened with me that I get a role of a cop for a film. Few directors typecast you if you do that particular role well. But, it is the actor who has to decide whether he fits in that role or not.

After my schooling in Meerut, I was sent to Allahabad for further studies to become an IAS officer. It was there that I got the freedom to do whatever I wanted to, and it was in Allahabad that I first did theatre.

I'm confident about my stint with politics. But I won't leave acting, one, because it brings me my daily bread, and second, I realized that whatever little extra recognition I have today, it's thanks to my acting career.

Being from a small town my parents wanted me to become an IAS officer but being an actor I lived the life of everyone. I've been a cop, a hardliner politician, a magician, a watchman, a don, a smuggler, an officer all in one life!

Both films and TV have their compunctions, their positives and negatives. For example, I explored a character at great length in 'Maryada'... which can be the ultimate high for an actor, but I won't get this luxury as a film person.

Television demands continuity and more work month after month. One has to also maintain quality as it reaches not just India but U.K., Canada, Pakistan, and Dubai as well. It is very powerful. And the risk of flopping like a film is also not there!

I feel that the movie in which I've played a cop or army man have been bigger hits. That's why people remember me more as a cop or army person. I've even noticed that a lot of films in which I've played a variety of wonderful roles haven't done well.

My father was into politics. After his death things got slow. We were meeting different parties and everywhere I heard people grumbling and cursing politics and the state of the nation. I made an effort and I am trying to fulfill my social responsibility.

I had been working nonstop for two years and needed a break. Instead of flying or booking myself at the usual holiday spots, we decided to drive across south India. The only thing that changes in the landscape are the posters of film stars and politicians.

Once I had gone for a shoot at a remote Fiji island in the middle of Pacific Ocean and I was thoroughly bowled over the popularity of this character there! I've also got positive feedback from U.K., U.S.A., Canada, Pakistan and Dubai for my performance as Brahmanad.

I was once in Delhi and one guy looked at me and shouted, 'kutiya, kutiya, kutiya' - it is a dialogue from my film 'Kasoor.' The guy couldn't recall anything else apart from this. It was funny but interesting - it shows the kind of impact my character has made on the audience.

When I got a call from Hansal Mehta, the CEO of White Feathers, asking me to come for one of their films, I was very happy. I thought they'd have an interesting role for me. But when I got to know they just wanted me to stand in for Sanjay Dutt for some scenes, I decided to give this offer the pass.

My father was an MLA and I've grown up knowing the kind of stuff that goes behind the working of a party and the role of the party people, and I used to think that one day I too would be a part of it. But when acting happened, politics took a backseat in my mind and I concentrated more into building my acting career.

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