Women's weapons, water-drops.

A plague on both your houses.

Away, you mouldy rogue, away!

I would fain die a dry death.

The weakest goes to the wall.

Policy sits above conscience.

Although the last, not least.

One sin another doth provoke.

Oh what fools we mortals are.

My stars shine darkly over me

Out, damned spot! Out, I say!

Men should be what they seem.

They are hare-brain'd slaves.

What a piece of work is a man

The fear's as bad as falling.

Faults that are rich are fair.

All that glitters is not gold.

For she had eyes and chose me.

The wheel is come full circle.

Hereditary sloth instructs me.

I scorn you, scurvy companion.

Good luck lies in odd numbers.

In thy foul throat thou liest.

Leave us to our free election.

Good things should be praised.

Soft pity enters an iron gate.

Jesters do oft prove prophets.

A pair of star-crossed lovers.

Thy friendship makes us fresh.

In delay there lies no plenty.

Love`s reason`s without reason

Report me and my cause aright.

Let's meet as little as we can

He kills her in her own humor.

Fill all thy bones with aches.

You are strangely troublesome.

The worm is not to be trusted.

There's a time for all things.

A man should be what he seems.

Nor age so eat up my invention.

What, can the devil speak true?

Our content Is our best having.

There's villainous news abroad.

Unsubstantial Death is amorous.

Men's vows are women's traitors

Educated men are so impressive.

Sweet are the uses of adversity

A dream itself is but a shadow.

Wish chastely, and love dearly.

Ambition, the soldier's virtue.

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