Your rights end where my nose begins.

Always remember: Life is for enjoying.

No man is poor who has a Godly mother.

I think I stand where that man stands.

The ballot is stronger than the bullet.

Killing the dog does not cure the bite.

The Constitution is not a suicide pact.

Towering genius distains a beaten path.

Don't swap horses in crossing a stream.

No man ever got lost on a straight road.

Freedom is the last, best hope of earth.

I'm a slow walker, but I never walk back.

Avoid popularity if you would have peace.

All I have learned, I learned from books.

Bad promises are better broken than kept.

Knavery and flattery are blood relations.

Behind the cloud the sun is still shining.

If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong.

A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man.

My God! My God! What will the country say?

Never let your correspondence fall behind.

I am busily engaged in study of the Bible.

I am a slow walker, but I never walk back.

The health you enjoy is largely your choice

All that harms labor is treason to America.

I destroy my enemy if I make him my friend.

I am always for the man who wishes to work.

A house divided against itself cannot stand.

Care for him who shall have borne the battle

Most people are as happy as they want to be.

Nothing valuable can be lost by taking time.

Writing is the great invention of the world.

Calling a tail a leg does not make it a leg.

You can't help the poor by being one of them.

Destroy your enemy by making him your friend.

Public opinion in this country is everything.

To say a sheep has 5 legs doesn't make it so.

If you have never failed you have never lived.

All creation is a mine, and every man a miner.

Think of strangers as friends you not met yet.

Let us strive on to finish the work we are in.

Don't swap horses in the middle of the stream.

With malice towards none; with charity for all.

As our case is new, we must think and act anew.

I have always been an old-line Henry Clay Whig.

I will prepare and some day my chance will come.

Every man's happiness is his own responsibility.

Character is the tree, reputation is the shadow.

If there is a worse place than Hell, I am in it.

Every man is said to have his peculiar ambition.

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